When anything goes..

and usually does!


When we click to buy a special nutrient or make an appointment to see someone for help, the healing begins at that moment.

We go over the gall bladder flush basics, how to prepare and what to do, on the “flush” day.

One Radio Network listeners will soon have an opportunity to get cost effective blood tests, and personal consultations with Dr. Tom Lewis, via Zoom anywhere in the World.

Not being for or against anything is quite a challenge living part time in a physical body.  It is called “Vairag””

Most souls walking around today having this sort of subconscious sense that something or someone can pop out of blue and “get me” if we look deeply and sense that…it can simply be not revisited again and affect us

We’ve been experimenting with sulfur and Vitamin C together.

Some emails: 

How do you combine C and sulfur?

Andrew Saul – it’s always time to invite him again; two-three years ago, or more, he had a movie/documentary out – and his daughter, Helen Saul Case, have talked a lot about Vitamin C and vaccinations! They are all very well aware of Dr Levy’s work too!
… especially his daughter describing in great detail exactly the protocol they use for her kids (I think they’re all in New York State) before, during and after vaccination.

Maybe this article can be posted on your site or at least linked within today’s show page - 

Don’t Vaccinate without Vitamin C

You just mentioned the “physical plane” and the “other planes”. If all matter is just energy that vibrates, wouldn’t it stand to reason that there could be a whole spectrum of physical planes that vibrate at different frequencies? Is this why I daydream so much at work? I can’t seem to focus much and I’m always thinking of alternate realities. Maybe I need some more yoga and meditation. 

Do you have any info on Andy’s new book about US Monetary History? Will it ever be published?

“For three days after death, hair and fingernails continue to grow but phone calls taper off.” — Johnny Carson

From Atom:  An apple a day in the morning keeps the doctor away.

Open Phone and Email Friday with You, Doodle and Patrick, February 15, 2019 ONE

Open Phone and Email Friday with You, Doodle and Patrick, February 15, 2019 TWO

'Open Phone Friday – Gall Bladder Flush Basics, Vitamin C and Vaccines; Healing Starts When We Move Our Feet – February 15, 2019' has no comments

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