Show highlights:

What if this whole Coronavirus issue was real?
We are a debt based monetary system
Just for the month of June, the treasury wrote a bond for $865 billion
The only thing backing the United States dollar is f-16’s
If the dollar was backed by real gold like it used to be, there would not be all the debt and deficits we currently have
Systemic racism
Why the civil war was not about slavery?
Is the Covid crisis just a manufactured crisis to crash the economy/ system?
An economic reset
As we create our own reality, that reality is the only reality that exists
America does not need to see the tax returns of a billionaire that became a public servant, they need to see the tax returns of public servants that became millionaires
Hyperbaric treatment
Getting away with not wearing a mask in public
The JFK assassination conspiracies
The brain vs the mind
Will we ever find truth regarding Covid?
The United States debt clock
Creating more dollars will create more debt, more interest, etc.
Being less focused on our federal government and more focused on out local governments
If you have unconditional love for someone, you don’t try to change their opinions or beliefs
Are major companies like Microsoft and apple as stable as people think?
Is it true no one has actually died from Covid across Europe?
The challenge of following the new mandates with wearing masks
When we allow people to take advantage of us when we know its wrong, karmic wise they will take advantage of you even more in the future
When we have something going on in our body, and think of that pain as being separate from ourselves, it will get worse before it gets better

Open Phone Friday with You, Doodle and Patrick, lots to munch on, enjoy and thank you for your support, July 10, 2020

'Open Phone Friday – As we create our own reality, that reality is the only reality that exists – July 10, 2020' has 1 comment

  1. July 13, 2020 @ 4:36 pm KF

    Problem with gold someone holds gold you own. It would never work today’s technical world.


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