with Patrick and Sharon
When Anything Goes…
And Usually Does!!!
Patrick and Sharon talk with listeners, and each other, pondering emailed questions from the audience, taking a look at the latest news, and having a lot of fun. You’re invited to participate; we’d love to hear from you!
Show Highlights:
-Honoring the passage of Jonathan Demme, a director, producer, screenwriter. Known for “Silence of the Lambsâ€, “Philadelphiaâ€, and “The Manchurian Candidateâ€.
-Patrick liked the movie “La La Landâ€.
-How much of the news about a conflict with North Korea is hype?
-CIA implanted microphones into cats in an attempt to spy on Russia.
-Turpentine helps clear toenail fungus.
-Listener asks: does using turpentine require one to be close to a washroom? Only if using with castor oil.
-Coconut oil alleviated most of Doodle’s scratching. A few months later white gooey stuff started coming out of her eyes. Now Patrick added Gary Hanna’s 5-blend clay to Doodle’s water. Doodle drank a lot of water, and after 5 days of clay, the scratching has virtually stopped and the white gooey stuff is gone. Was the scratching because of a parasite?
Hour 2
-Atom says many supplements are now products of nanotechnology. E.g. some diatemaceous earth, lyphospheric Vitamin C, botanicals.
-What products are good for thyroid health? Is taking iodine good or bad? Need selenium with iodine.
-Kudos to ORN listeners from Gary Hanna, Dr. Broderick, and Dave Stetzer for being so well informed and gracious.
-Variation in selenium content of Brazil nuts. Nuts from Brazil have 4 times as much as nuts from Peru. See chart at Atom says Brazil nut trees don’t need selenium in the soil, but they’ll suck it up if it’s there.
-Castor oil worked like a charm on Ed’s very large kidney stone.
-Listener strongly disagrees with Dr. Daniels’ statement that facial exercises such as face yoga don’t work.
-Pharmaceuticals are now being manufactured as new molecular entities (NME) which use lipid based nano carriers.
-Why worry about going to Mars? How about going to Detroit and spend the money to fix what’s going on there?
-Picking up fleas at the vet’s office.
-Listener says Detroit doesn’t have good grocery stores but has more community gardens than anywhere else. Recommends a herbal support product called Stone Free to break up stones.
-Benefits of cranial sacral therapy. Some manual osteopaths do it. Listen to Dr. Grasso
-Atom says the “beaker boys†are accurate, but they lie to the public.
-Patrick had intense pain in his liver right at 3:20 am at liver cleansing solar time. How do spirit and soul do all this stuff at the exact right time?
-Nancy wants to know why she is so tired in the morning, despite doing the right stuff? If you have no idea what is wrong, ask spirit to tell you what to do. Write down your question.
Hour 3
–Tell Patrick if you’d like “The Call of Soul†book with a CD of singing hu.
-Linda says Dr. Grasso in Chicago is the only doctor that could figure out what was wrong with her. He ordered a MRI and found she had rapidly progressing bone necrosis, possibly caused by heavy metal poisoning.
-Digoxin and ouabain flush out excess lactic acid.
-Atom says the liver is the get up and go organ. Good milk thistle product at ORN store. Consider beets, herbs, mini-beet protocol, coffee enemas, liver cleansing. Anger is a major detriment to liver health.
-Merits of Swedish bitters and small willow flower herb. Why do we get gray hair? Melanin vs. melatonin.
-The less nonsense we feed the mind, the less nonsense it will spit back out. How to live in this world and not take in nonsense? It depends on what you accept as reality. Every moment is an opportunity to decide what is real. We create issues so we can learn how we created them so we don’t do it any more and then grow. As our state of consciousness changes, our body changes.
-What to do for shoulder pain? Tony P. recommends topical application of pure pine gum spirits and salt. Red infrared light.
-For restoring gray hair, Steve in Houston recommends ORN’s Robert von Sarbarcher’s super hydration drink – a mini-beet protocol. Also Samson’s Hair Tonic from Phil Thomas’ Iodine Source. Dental benefits of swishing the mouth with salt water. Classic Swedish bitters. Steve gets a tie-dyed ORN T-shirt for calling in.
-Listener says adrenal glands also control gray hair and baldness. Any cells including skin that contain phenylalanine and tyrosine belong to the adrenal system.
-Listener says Urban Moonshine Bitters is the best on the market.
and more!
-Honoring the passage of Jonathan Demme, a director, producer, screenwriter. Known for “Silence of the Lambsâ€, “Philadelphiaâ€, and “The Manchurian Candidateâ€.
-Patrick liked the movie “La La Landâ€.
-How much of the news about a conflict with North Korea is hype?
-CIA implanted microphones into cats in an attempt to spy on Russia.
-Turpentine helps clear toenail fungus.
-Listener asks: does using turpentine require one to be close to a washroom? Only if using with castor oil.
Open Phones, What’s your story? with Sharon and Patrick, April 28, 2017 Hour One
Open Phones, What’s your story? with Sharon and Patrick, April 28, 2017 Hour Two
Open Phones, What’s your story? with Sharon and Patrick, April 28, 2017 Hour Three
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