Patrick Timpone
When Anything Goes…
And Usually Does!!!
Come play doctor with us!
Patrick talks with listeners and ponders emailed questions from the audience. Call in and participate on Fridays; we’d love to hear from you!
Show Highlights:
-Dreams vs reality; is there really any difference?
-Some curious things are happening in Japan; their stock market is taking a dive
-Sin: The biggest lie ever perpetrated on humanity. Patrick sounds off on organized religion
-Atom Bergstrom writes:In the First Chakra, they called it SIN.In the Second Chakra, they called it CRIME.In the Third Chakra, they called it NEUROSIS.In the Fourth Chakra, they called it NUTRITION.In the Fifth Chakra, they called it MAGNETISM (KARMA).— Swami Nitty-Gritty
-Detaching oneself from the desire to judge others
-Patrick talks about urine therapy
-Water distillers and the one we use
-Patrick talks with a listener about sex and intimacy
-Comment from a listener:You have a very interesting article on the Zika virus. Virus studied and patented by the Rockefeller foundation? Never caused Guillain-Barré, (aka, polio) until now. GMO mosquitoes, Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, vaccines, depopulation–It would make a great movie.
-Question from a listener:In your interview with Dr. Thomas Cowan, you talk about a supplement QUABAIN – STROPHANTIN GLOBULI (STROPHANTUS GRATUS) for heart health, apparently from Brazil, which I think is made from climbing ivy, and that it was an incredible longevity supplement. I can’t find it anywhere on your site, or anywhere else. Is it available to the public? If so, can you tell me where I can find it? This is the best link we have to order it:
-A little tidbit from Atom on Victorian sex:
Dr. “Corn Flakes” Kellogg was a leading figure of the Victorian Age.
For boys, he advised threading silver wire through the foreskin to prevent erections.
For girls, he advised burning the clitoris with carbolic acid to discourage touching it.
and so much more!!
open phone friday with you and patrick, february 12, 2016, hour one
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