Patrick Timpone
When Anything Goes…
And Usually Does!!!
Come play doctor with us!
Patrick talks with listeners and ponders emailed questions from the audience. Call in and participate on Fridays; we’d love to hear from you!
Show Highlights:
-Patrick experienced a strong power surge in the studio and we lost the first part of our show. A listener writes in:Simultaneously to you going off the air…. I had a” VERY PECULIAR “…..double heart skip !As though my heart…. momentarily stopped !!Krazy, Never had that before…..I wonder what zapped us ??? Rich ( Pittsburgh )
-Getting off acids could be a huge thing if you’re having stomach problems
-Ridding the body of parasites with magnets
-Choosing the kind of world we want to live in; Patrick ponders creating our own realities
-Will vaccines become mandatory at some point in the near future, even for home schooled children? If they do, it will be our fault. It’s time get proactive about it. We donate to NVIC, but here is another link sent in from a listener
-There is nothing that can hurt us unless accepted into our consciousness
-Celebrating Valentine’s Day; Patrick ponders finding love, finding God
-Question and comment from a listener:Do you think all of the “fear” stuff going on in the world today may actually be of some use to get us to see that everything is allan illusion? And that we may need this negative stuff to evolve to the next step? Jim Henson did a very interesting movie before he died call the “Dark Crystal”. It showed the dichotomy of good and evil and that good and evil were part of each of us. In the end, they merged into a higher consciousness.
-Avoiding soy in natural health products; why is it so hard to find good, soy-free products?
-A listener calls in with a good suggestion for a sunflower lecithin
-James in Ontario writes in to scold Patrick about his views on chemtrails and other things which he feels Patrick sticks his head in the sand over
-We get a surprise phone call from Annette Larkin, who we end up booking right on the air. If you’re not familiar with this beautiful, beautiful woman, check out her website and join us for her show on Tuesday
and so much more!
open phone friday with you and patrick, february 13, 2015, hour one
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