Show highlights:

-Something’s rotten in Denmark. Pandemic, really? We talk about the new coronavirus coming out of China. 26 people have died in China. What’s the population of China? 1,439,323,776. 80 people per day die from pneumonia in Britain according to The Daily Mail. We probably need to start thinking for ourselves and ponder what the benefits are of convincing the public there’s a pandemic. Fear porn is being served at lunch. How about a avocado instead.

-Total control of the media

-Castor oil packs

-Ways to get after parasites

-A listener writes in to say how much he misses our weekly shows with Andrew Gause. He mentions going into the archives and listening to several shows. Links are below. They’re awesome so check ’em out:

-If you missed our interview with Gina Bria, please take time to listen; fascinating information on how to get optimal hydration. Her work is excellent.

-Bill calls in to talk about reincarnation

-Matt calls in to talk about a couple of things, one being “procrastination”. What’s the deeper cause of it?

-John, from NY, calls in for a conversation with Patrick: Patrick’s screenplay; why the truth about the Federal Reserve isn’t taught in schools; the corona virus in China

and so much more!

Open Phone and Email Friday with You, Doodle and Patrick, January 24, 2020, ONE

Open Phone and Email Friday with You, Doodle and Patrick, January 24, 2020, TWO

'Open Phone Friday – Fearporn Anyone? The China Coronavirus Is Being Served with Mayo On the Side and Maybe a New Vaccine? – January 24, 2020' have 2 comments

  1. January 24, 2020 @ 6:53 pm Nancy

    Hope Part 2 will be downloadable soon. Really enjoy your programs, Patrick. Thank you.


  2. January 27, 2020 @ 2:36 pm Brent Tunnell

    I am interested in the cold water tanks


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