September 22, 2017

You and Patrick Timpone


When Anything Goes…
And Usually Does!!!

Patrick talks with listeners and ponders emailed questions from the audience, taking a look at the latest news, and having a lot of fun. You’re invited to participate; we’d love to hear from you!


Show highlights:

-Predictions that the world will end tomorrow.   Do Christians have the correct understanding of the second coming?  If Marie takes a sharp left towards New York City, it’s probably a controlled demolition.

-Nothing happens out of context.  We are part of creating earthquakes and hurricanes.

-Continuing with Dr. Ellie’s protocol.  The proof will be in the pudding.

-Dr. Rhonda Patrick on the beneficial response to extreme heat stress.  Why heat shock proteins are good.  Increase muscle synthesis 30% in the sauna.

-Listener asks if Ultradex in the UK can be used in her system?  It has baking soda in it.  Closys is not available in the UK.  At her site, Dr. Ellie says Retar/DEX/Ultradex is the product in the UK that matches Closys most closely.

-Marijuana was heavily sprayed with paraquat in Mexico by the CIA.  A 1988 NY Times article said it was used in the US in a campaign to eradicate domestically grown marijuana.

-Video showing HAARP steering hurricanes.

“Live every day as if it were going to be your last; for one day you’re sure to be right” from Breaker Morant.

-Dr. Rhonda Patrick is also a big fan of burst exercise.

-What is  hemp vs. marijuana?  It has nothing to do with male vs. female.  Only products made from industrial hemp (less than 0.3% THC) are legal to sell, buy, consume, and ship.  Hemp seed from Canada is irradiated before it enters the US.

-John in Saudi Arabia hears people with contradictory positions on nutrition and is confused about what is right.  Don’t take advice from anyone that isn’t getting the results you want.  Do a food journal and evaluate how you feel.

-Dr. Rhonda Patrick says exercise, extreme temp, intermittent fasting make your mitochondia function better.

-Is the ruckus with North Korea manufactured by the boys?

-Bill loves the Potato Protein Soup.  Has made 3 batches – first batch with Russets, second with Yukon Gold.  Drinks rain water that he structures in his infrared sauna.

Part 2

-Dollar has lost about 10% in 2017.  Stock market is in the biggest bubble ever.

-Atom says Vibrant Gal has Potato Protein Soup every night; he’s hanging out with the whole potato.  Yukon Gold is supposed to contain more protein than other potatoes and is their favorite potato.

-Dr. Cowan’s Garden powders are packed with phytonutrients and minerals.  Great way to get a variety of vegetables every day.  Tastes great.  Use promo code PATRICK to get 20% off first-time orders.

-John discusses skin care protocols by Gary Null  and Troy Hyyppa.  Use of turpentine, ostrich oil, essential oil of egg.  Leaving the world in a better place.

-Atom says seed sprouting and growing is impeded by irradiation to a greater or lesser degree, depending on the amount of irradiation.

-Patrick blended up grass-fed beef liver with cream and Manuka honey.  Great way to do liver.

-Listener learned from Dr. Ellie that date mates need to have mouth biology compatibility.


Open Phone Friday with you and Patrick with our end of the World Show, September 22, ONE

Open Phone Friday with you and Patrick with our end of the World Show, September 22, TWO

'Open Phone Friday – Live every day as if it were going to be your last; for one day you’re sure to be right – September 22, 2017' have 2 comments

  1. September 23, 2017 @ 1:03 pm Ellen

    Interesting to hear how person structured their water by putting it in the sauna – that leads me to wonder if we could perhaps structure our (filtered and re-mineralized) drinking water by shining a “chicken light” infrared heat lamp on it?


  2. September 23, 2017 @ 2:01 pm patrick

    Ellen…could be..we’ll have to research. Surely it would not hurt it. hahah

    A past guest, Dr. Gerald Pollard, (search for him on our site if interested) suggested to us that
    our far infrared sauna structured the water in our body…He called i forth phase water….amazing.


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