Open Phone Friday

Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste

Show highlights:

Just about all the information we have been spoon fed abou the cornonvirus is fatally flawed and downright wrong

Scott calls in to talk about the stimulus bill

Is it really possible to have a global currency rest? Patrick tells us where he thinks we’re going in the world of money

Taking a look at all the people who have benefited from this disaster scenario

Bridgette calls in for a lively conversation; some good things are coming from the shutdown, the animals are probably happy

What is the Small Cell Streamline Deployment Act and what should you be doing about it?

Sally from Oregon has all the good stuff to keep herself healthy; she tells us all about it

Concerning the “C” word, nature will have the last word

It feels like we’re going into another dimension; Sally and Patrick elaborate and it’s a pretty interesting concept

Julie from CA calls in to ask about what happened to One World Whey

When 1 person sneezes, 50 people poop their pants….that’s what all the toilet paper is for according to Atom Bergstrom. Too funny!

From a listener: What do you think of deja vu?  I vividly remember a dream that I had as a child and in the dream, I had a newborn child and we were in the hospital together right after birth.  When my first child was born, I had an exact deja vu experience that brought me right back to that dream because my daughter looked exactly like the baby in the dream and she looks a lot like me.

From Atom Bergstrom: 150,000 people die every day on planet Earth.
It’s easy to manipulate the “cause of death” on a death certificate. (Only a doctor can sign one.)

and so much more!

Open Phones with You, Doodle and Patrick, March 27, 2020 ONE

Open Phones with You, Doodle and Patrick, March 27, 2020 TWO

'Open Phone Friday – Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste – March 27, 2020' have 2 comments

  1. March 28, 2020 @ 6:08 pm DBS

    Thanks Patrick for your voice of reason and calm in the face of relentless lies and manipulation….


  2. March 29, 2020 @ 12:33 am Patrick

    I recovered from the coronavirus covid-19. It’s not the same as the flu. My body entirely locked up for three days and only by force of will was I able to keep breathing and force myself to take hot showers, massage my body, stretch, until after three days I could move my body again. I wasn’t able to move my leg to a 90 degree angle while laying down. My brain was locked up too, I didn’t know what season it was. I was hallucinating. Vitamin C and lots of hydration helped. Other things. I decided to deal with it at my house rather than go to a hospital because I wanted to be able to get drinks and shower when I wanted. It seemed like the genetic information in the virus came from non-mammals. I feel different after recovering from it. I would have not volunteered to have that experience, I feel like I risked my life. I had to be open to new ways of being to survive, I had to accept that my heart could beat in a body whose muscles are all permanently tensed up. I am now drinking a little glass of red wine to soften my heart to deal with the extreme blood pressure I was going through.


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