with Patrick and Sharon

When Anything Goes…
And Usually Does!!!

Patrick and Sharon talk with listeners, and each other, pondering emailed questions from the audience, taking a look at the latest news, and having a lot of fun. You’re invited to participate; we’d love to hear from you!


Show Highlights:

-Doodle consumes more water when Patrick adds clay to it from Gary Hanna’s Nature’s Pure Organics.

-Isn’t it unnatural to add silver to your water?

-Joe talked about meeting Patrick on the astral planes after his first night of using the Rest Shield. Learning on the soul level.

-“When you’re having the hardest time, you’re probably unfolding the most.” Harold Klemp

-One diet Coke or Pepsi a day can triple the risk of stroke or dementia.

-Hearing other people’s stories and seeing in others what we are in ourselves.

-Listener shares Susan Weeds’ recommendation for tooth abscesses is echinacea and poke root tinctures. Monoatomic colloidal silver probably good to try.

-Is President Trump being blackmailed? He’s done a 180 degree turn.

-General Wesley Clark warned of US attacking 7 countries in 5 years. See his YouTube.

-Bridie shared her dream of Patrick. He’s been busy out on the astral planes.

-Working out your karma on the inner planes. Asking God: what else can I do?

-Patrick McGean says to put a tsp. of sulfur next to a tooth that is troublesome. Sulfur transports oxygen across the cell membrane.

-Hundreds of people have emailed how sulfur helps with dream recall.

-Robert calls with regrets about his dog. Do what you can and feel comfortable doing. A belief in something hurting you will hurt you. Don’t be so busy not dying that you’re not living.

Hour 3

-Question about discarding the solids when making almond milk.

-Atom says a slow metabolizer of caffeine gets more anti-carcinogenic benefit from coffee.

-Corporate marketers couldn’t sell tannins to the public so they sell them as polyphenols.

-Soaking nuts gets rid of phytates and anti-enzymes.

-Nancy asks what to do for a friend that had a stent put in. Ouabain? Ouabain, which is made in the adrenals, supports the parasympathetic nervous system and converts lactic acid into pyruvate, the main fuel source of the heart.

-Digoxin and ouabain are both glycosides and used for heart failure. Digoxin is from foxglove; ouabain is from strophanthin.

-Atom says we protect the lungs and heart with a healthy liver. Genes can be changed by thoughts and food.

-Another listener says the earth as a globe is the biggest lie ever.

-Julie in Minnesota shares her love for Patrick and ORN. Complains of a bad taste on her tongue. Listener recommendations of oil pulling with bentonite clay, colloidal silver, or charcoal.

-Sleep formula: 2 cups coconut milk, 1 inch fresh ginger or 1 tsp dry, 1 tsp tumeric, 1 TB honey, ¼ tsp pepper.

and more!

Open Phone Friday with Sharon and Patrick, What is your story? April 21, 2017 ONE

Open Phone Friday with Sharon and Patrick, What is your story? April 21, 2017 Two

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