Hour Two is Repaired Now…Thank You

You and Patrick Timpone


When Anything Goes…
And Usually Does!!!

Patrick talks with listeners and ponders emailed questions from the audience, taking a look at the latest news, and having a lot of fun. You’re invited to participate; we’d love to hear from you!


Show highlights:

-Patrick and Susan talk about her UTI and spiritual underpinnings.

-Bill loves Atom’s juiced Potato Protein Soup with starch removed.

-Jana talks about using CDS in her enema.  Puts MMS in a shot glass, put that in a sealed water container, the gas transfers to the water, and that is CDS.   Loves Atom’s Potato Protein Soup; adds 3-hour cooked mushrooms to it.  Consumes 1 cup, freezes the rest so histamine doesn’t develop.  Likes MegaSporeBiotic.

-Jana says to wash the mushrooms, chop them up, pressure cook for 10 minutes, cover with water, and crock pot for 3 hours.

-Atom says to drink Potato Protein soup as fresh as possible.  Potato protein is so powerful, manufacturers are adding it to other foods.  He cooks his potatoes and mushrooms at least 45 minutes.

Hour 2

-Think how much trouble we could eliminate if we lived on God and light and forgot about food.

-D remembers Swami Nitty Gritty said mushrooms should be very well cooked.

-Doodle is still itchy.  Tested alkaline water and then acid water offerings with her.  She refused acid water for 2 days, but immediately started drinking the alkaline water.  Then she also drank sulfur water.

-Atom says the original John Beard cancer therapy included sulfur.

-Eileen says according to Stephen Heuer, Listerine is definitely about killing microorganisms, since it’s 27% alcohol.  Misleading to say otherwise.

-Robert from Houston said his street and house is okay with no flooding.

-How to recover from Harvey?  Should the government just print more money and rebuild Houston?

-Rumor in Austin that it’s going to run out of gas.  Is it a manufactured shortage?

-The power of being grateful for life and relationships.

-Ellen says Golden Retrievers and Poodles are derived from water retrievers and suggests eliminating birds from Doodle’s diet.

-D says reisha and chaga are tree mushrooms and not the ones people typically eat.  They’re also well cooked in water/alcohol for better absorption.

-Lynn found it heartwarming to see the rescue of the pets and animals during Harvey, unlike what happened in Katrina.

-Atom says the Inuit didn’t have a microbiome until white man infected them.

-Stephen Heuer says gum pockets are the beginning of gum recession, which is caused by osteoporosis of the jaw bone.  He recommends taking K2 with D3 in the form of Bone and Heart Health (1cap 3x per day), plus Intracal (1 cap 3x per day).

-Jon wants the report Tony P. mentioned giving a specific Hulda Clark parasite blend for parasites.  Go here for Hulda Clark’s PDF called New Concepts.

-Patsy is looking for the ORN guest who is a vet in Montana that gave homeopathic prophylactics to animals.  See Judy Hoy. She does wildlife rehabilitation in Montana, but is not a vet.

-What was the scent from Living Libations that Patrick’s girlfriend said made him smell yummy?  Patrick wore Forest Cologne – Radiant Earth of Deep Delight from Living Libations.

-Do you wait 30 minutes for food or drink when using Dr. Ellie’s Complete Mouth Care system?  She says don’t think of it as cleaning your teeth, but as a spa treatment for your mouth.  Should be including a massage of the gums.

-Do Brazil nuts have enough selenium to fulfill your selenium requirement?  Depends where they’re from.  Recommended to get 200 mcg. selenium daily.  Brazil nuts from Brazil have 20 mcg/nut.  Brazil nuts from Peru have 5 mcg/nut, and these are where most commercial nuts are from.

-By having hardships, we get our rough edges polished off so the true light of soul can shine.

-Miranda Lambert sent out 2 trucks to Houston to pick up pets and take them to safe locations.  See MuttNation Fueled by Miranda Lambert Facebook page.

-Atom says a lot of Brazil nuts are universally affected with aflatoxin.  He and Vibrant Gal walk big circles around them.

-John asks about preparedness for Harvey.  How long could Patrick sustain himself without outside resources?  Glad to learn about bees and glyphosate spraying on non-GMO crops from George Altgelt’s show.  Trying Dr. Pagano’s protocol.

Open Phone Friday with you and Patrick, September 1, 2017, ONE

Open Phone Friday with you and Patrick, September 1, 2017, TWO

'Open Phone Friday – Looking at Healing from The Soul Point of View – September 1, 2017' have 2 comments

  1. September 2, 2017 @ 1:48 am Anthony

    Hello Patrick, tell Bill to put a pure silver coin into the aloe liquid and see if it stops it turning. I know milk will keep a couple of days longer and also stops bacteria growing in a water container.
    Anthony, in Ireland


  2. September 4, 2017 @ 11:22 pm Sandi

    Glad you will soon have Dr Ellie back to learn more!


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