You and Patrick Timpone
When Anything Goes…
And Usually Does!!!
Patrick talks with listeners and ponders emailed questions from the audience, taking a look at the latest news, and having a lot of fun. You’re invited to participate; we’d love to hear from you!
Show highlights:
-The mind is separate from the brain. The brain is the physical way we can process words. The mind doesn’t think, it only repeats what soul has accepted as real.
-D says retraining the thinking/the mind does affect the physical brain. The very use of the brain is beneficial for its maintenance and improvement.
-Eric from xylitol central in Finland says Dr. Curatola and Dr. Ellie Phillips are both correct and incorrect. Xylitol does have a negative effect on the gut, and it doesn’t kill bacteria but it promotes the growth of well-balanced cultures in the mouth.
-Any advice for helping a slipped, herniated disc? Myofascial relief work, structural work, inversion table. Could be a dehydrated disc – drink lots of water. CBD oil or hemp paste for pain.
-Atom suggests Spinex non-surgical treatment for healing discs. Some folks rehabilitate their discs using clarified butter and breathing into a paper bag (at night only) or moving to the mountains for more carbon dioxide.
-Patrick loves Dr. Cowan’s Garden roasted eggplant and leek powders on his pasta.
-5 perversions of the mind: greed, attachment, anger, lust, vanity. Vanity is always the last one to go. Virtues to counter the perversions: For lust, discrimination. Anger -forgiveness and tolerance. Greed – contentment. Attachment – detachment. Vanity – humility.
Hour 2
-Steve reminds us that Ken Rohla says Sharry Edwards bioacoustics therapy is great for bone issues. Using it, Ken’s brother had amazing healing of his broken bones.
-Atom says sneezing clears nasal passages and also traumas, similar to a yawn. The photic sneeze reflex/response is supposed to be genetic, but it’s not. It’s a solar engram release mechanism.
-Only the beaker boys could figure out the following names for the photic sneeze response: ACHOO = Autosomal Dominant Compelling Helio-Opthalmic Outburst Syndrome. Photoptarmosis.
-Atom says Behavioral Optometry is an ideal remedy for retraining a crossed eye. It also dramatically increases IQ. Brain Gym is a watered-down version of Behavioral Optometry (taught in Canadian schools). Atom had the surgery too.
-The brain follows the mind, eye follows the brain, and the eye gets weaker because of misapplication of thoughts from soul.
-Anat Baniel of San Rafael, CA can uncross eyes of young children/toddlers with simple movements of head and body.  Her methods can unravel spasticity in autistism and cerebral palsy through releasing traumas in the body. Listen to her show on ORN. Has videos of amazing success stories.
-Listener thinks putting Vicks VapoRub in the eye is absurd. Atom says menthol activates opiod receptors in the brain that relax the lungs. One of Vicks’ early names was Pneumonia Salve.
-John says pricing oil futures in the yuan, convertible to gold, will be a gamechanger. Agreed, as talked about on Andy Gause’s show on 9/20/17.
-Ancient texts say the next master race will be the Yellow Race, supplanting the Aryans. The historian Oswald Spengler (in the 20’s) predicted the Chinese/Japanese would take over the world sometime around 2020.
-Dr. Daniels recommends only one particular product from Vicks, their VapoRub.
-Grated potato or apple work for conjunctivitis.
-Vision gets impaired because muscles around the eye get squished from staring and that changes the eyeball shape. Look at distant sights more, palm the eyes to relax them.
-Atom says German historian Max Mueller invented the invasion of ancient India by the Aryans. But modern “Aryans” do invade.
-How did Patrick stop smoking 40 years ago? Hypnosis, staple in the ear – these didn’t work. There is a physical addiction, but it’s the emotional, spiritual addiction that keeps us attached. He just quit one day – said he was done.
-And much more.
Open Phones with you and patrick, September 30, 2017, One
Open Phones with you and patrick, September 30, 2017, Two
'Open Phone Friday – There’s Always A Way. Always – September 29, 2017' has 1 comment
September 30, 2017 @ 2:57 pm Michael
Dr. Randy Tent fixes many crossed eye problems with a Chiropractic adjustment to the neck. He says the 1st vertebra gets out of alignment (often during the doctor’s man-handling during childbirth) and pinches the brain stem. He also helps children and others who have been damaged by vaccines. Check out his excellent lectures on on youtube. Patrick, you might consider having him on your show some time, although I know he is extremely busy. Just check out the titles of some of his lectures, and I think you’ll see that you two are on the same page.