Patrick Timpone




with Patrick and Sharon

When Anything Goes…
And Usually Does!!!

Patrick and Sharon talk with listeners, and ponders emailed questions from the audience, taking a look at the latest news, and having a lot of fun. You’re invited to participate; we’d love to hear from you!


Show Highlights:

Are well-meaning globalists used in the service of power-mongering globalists?

-Open borders, overseas tax havens are mechanisms to keep wages down.

-Fighting the corporate, biased media to take our country back.

-Soros supports Republican town-hall disrupters. Who are the real fascists?

-Canadian looking for a doctor to do balloon sinuplasty.

-Importance of touch to our bodies.

-Patrick is looking for a dressing for lettuce without lemon or vinegar, also for a not-hot sauce for his tamales.

-Listener suggests many celebrity deaths are being faked.

-Listener disheartened at Patrick aligning himself with Trump. Patrick differentiates supporting Trump’s visions from supporting Trump himself.

-Having intuitive insights but then paying a price for failing to take action.

-Patrick’s story about his high reading on his blood glucose meter.

-Great Lakes Gelatin (red can) vs. Great Lakes Collagen Hydrolysate (green can).

-Benefits of frankincense essential oil.

-Marni Nixon dubbed for Audrey Hepburn as Eliza and Natalie Wood as Maria. Her only onscreen appearance was as Sister Sophia in the Sound of Music.

-Kennly called about his brother’s newly diagnosed pancreatic cancer. Advised to contact Dr. Linda Isaacs, who was Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez’ partner in NYC. Nutricology enzymes.

-How did doctors become so revered?

-Tom in Oregon shares he had a friend in her 50s that tried dry fasting; her hair went grey after 2 days. Says Russians advocate a periodic dry fast to squeeze radiation out. Patrick shared his Master Cleanse experience. Tom liked his coconut water fast. Recommends Peter Ragnar’s book “How Long Do You Choose To Live?” Tom thinks ketogenic diets are faddish and deny the fruits of life. Says he’d like to move to higher ground, but the giant logging companies and the government own all the high ground in Oregon, where it’s drier and not so misty. Tom wins a tie-dyed ORN T-shirt.

-Sean asks Sharon why she didn’t get the Tribest Slowstar or Greenstar GS-2000 masticating juicer. Says he’s had many juicers and prefers the Tribest. Refurbished ones available. Walker juicers great but not very practical. Eating young coconuts.

-Listener agrees Internet has been freeing, but also used as a tool to control and deceive.

-Good attitude and an interest in life as life extenders.

-Sharon likes the intermittent fasting daily 16 hr. fasts.

and more!!

open phones with sharon and patrick, february 24, 2017, part one

'Open Phone Friday – Taking Off Our Blinders for More Empowered Life Experiences and Better Health – February 24, 2017' have 2 comments

  1. February 27, 2017 @ 5:11 am cee

    Just wished to share a neat dressing for salad and a no-heat tamale sauce idea: for a dressing that’s yummy, one can blend up an avocado with half a cup yogurt or buttermilk from raw cultured milk, 1/4 tsp pink salt, 1 clove garlic, dash of pepper, in mini Ninja till smooth. For no heat tamale sauce, perhaps a tomato blended up with a little pink salt, dash of stevia, some fresh cilantro or chives. Best wishes.


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