Show highlights:

Patrick is feeling a bit more optimistic about the future knowing and understanding that everything goes in cycles

We look at an article out of Italy about the cases of coronavirus is misguided. Very interesting

Censorship in America

Patrick shares an EXCELLENT clip from the film Network about the illusion perpetrated from main stream media

Pondering the idea of separation from God; are we ever separate?

Creating more powerful water on our own without technology

Why there’s no need to worry about 5G Hint: It has some to do with exosomes

The more you think about the mask thing, this whole thing has been planned out in detail. Just look at event 201

Television and Hollywood is on a downtrend

Watering your plants with hydrogen water; plumps them up, giving them a fuller look

Open Phone and email Friday with You Doodle and Patrick, August 21, 2020, ONE

Open Phone and email Friday with You Doodle and Patrick, August 21, 2020, TWO

'Open Phone Friday – Why Zebras Have Stripes and a Plethora of Other Musings – August 21, 2020' has 1 comment

  1. September 1, 2020 @ 6:20 am MarionTooNs



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