Patrick Timpone


Oram Miller

Creating a Healthier Home By Lowering the EMF Load

Oram Miller is a Certified Building Biology Environmental Consultant based in Los Angeles. He received his certification from the International Institute for Bau-biology and Ecology in Clearwater, Florida (

Oram provides healthy home and office evaluations for clients throughout Southern California and nationwide who have electro-magnetic sensitivities, as well as those who just want a healthier home. Oram also consults on the healthy design and construction of new and remodeled homes. He writes extensively on the health hazards of EMFs on his website,

Oram specializes in the effects of EMFs from cell phones, cordless telephones, Wi-Fi, tablets and smart meters, as well as health effects caused by basic EMFs from house wiring, including wiring errors and unwanted current on water pipes and other parts of the grounding system.

Show Highlights:

We’ve interviewed many guests over the past couple of years about the the problems of EMFs, but we think you’ll find this show to be one of the best. This show is approx 2.5 hours in length, packed with valuable information. Oram Miller does a great job explaining:

-The truth about earthing; to ground or not to ground, the answer is not so black and white

-Understanding stray voltage and current in the ground; Oram explains how farm animals in certain areas have been affected

-The only real value of a tri-field meter; Oram explains how different meters work and why the distance of the meter reading is so important

-Are smart meters as bad as we think?

-The 4 different types of EMFs

-The dangers of cell phones, laptops, IPads, WiFi, cordless telephones and more; why some people are affected and some are not

-What you can do to reduce the EMFs in your home and life

-How to find an expert to help hunt down the dangers in your home

and so much more!

Oram Miller

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oram miller and a healthier home, april 28, 2014

'Oram Miller – Creating a Healthier Home By Lowering the EMF Load – April 28, 2014' has 1 comment

  1. April 29, 2014 @ 9:47 am Ron

    Patrick: Oram was a great guest. A wealth of information and very easy to understand. I know the interview was 2 1/2 hours long, but you need to have him on again. I have dozens of questions based on the information he provided. All my best.


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