Steve Richards

Dreamtime Healing





DREAMTIME HEALING using HOLOGRAPHIC KINETICS is an understanding of two worlds, an internal to external and an external to internal world.​ DREAMTIME HEALING is part of what the Australian Aboriginal “Lore Men” knew from the past and could apply; HOLOGRAPHIC KINETICS is the science behind their knowledge.​​​

DREAMTIME HEALING is about rebalancing of the imbalances of man’s internally- created realities through the cycles of dimensions that man calls “time”. Dreamtime healing can access the internal dimensional world of all living things, the life force, the invisible, man at times calls spirit, [different from the soul] where all creation is first set-up, and then flows through into the visible external world of reality. It is an advanced Aboriginal-healing modality, incorporating the applied knowledge of Lore that governs the internal invisible dimensions of life, which no man can escape, these are different from our external laws that govern our physical reality.

HOLOGRAPHIC KINETICS has the ability to understand the science of the mind, incorporating the maths & geometry of creation, and how the original race on this planet–the Australian Aboriginals–knew the keys and could access and communicate to the life force of the being, known as spirit, regardless of its physical form, sending it back through the cycle of time, into internal hyper-space. When the Spirit enters this internal dimension, all things are omnipotent [consisting of great power], omnipresent [as all things past, present and future are present at the same time] and omniscient [an area of infinite knowledge].
HOLOGRAPHIC virtually explains man is a hologram–every cell in the body stores every thought and memory as it is sent from the subtle bodies within, out to all areas of the physical body and each cell has the ability to holographically reproduce those memories. These areas are called “cellular memory” and can store trauma from generations down the hereditary line–they can be accessed and cleared.​​​
KINETIC energy comes from the harmony of the Infinite universe, as free flowing balanced energy. When captured by the act of a thought, it becomes potential energy, aligning itself into plutonic geometry forming a crystal, which now stores memory and locks into the stress point of the body–in its own separate dimension known as “time”. This i​s created by the universal mind of its creator, passing through the cellular memory of its being.​​​
​DREAMTIME HEALING using HOLOGRAPHIC KINETICS is about the integration of an internal invisible, and an external visible world of assisting people with their internally-created realities that are not being addressed–or understood, by mainstream mental health-thus denying them their rights of being healed.

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Oftentimes Soul experiences a great abundance of downloaded experiences the first seven years

Every “living” thing is energized by spirit and is Soul

We can and do communicate, even in English, with all substances, plants, animals etc. 

One of the key facets of healing past stuff is the simple recognition that we are intertwined with it

For every action there is an effect

In dreams we are working out each and every thought, especially the ones we accepted as real

Souls and all inanimate objects are not happy when they are forcibly removed from their comfortable place of existence

The Aboriginals would tell stories around the campfire and discuss their dream experiences ongoing 

People have been known to take on various traits from the person who may have donated an organ, especially the heart

Some emails:
I’ve studied this factor about heart transplants. It’s a true phenomenon. Frequently heard from transfer patients is they get unusual food cravings that turn out to be the same food the original heart owner craved.c
How did the aborigines talk to the kangaroo’s?

what about blood transfusions does the persons blood you take still have their messages

Steve Richards and healing in the dream state and changing the past, October 15, 2019

'Steve Richards – Dreamtime Healing: Understanding Man’s Internally-Created Realities and the Clearing of Inter-Dimensional Interference from Parallel Dimensions Within Human Bodies – October 15, 2019' has no comments

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