Sharon Critchfield – Author of Waking Up to Heal – May 10, 2016

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Sharon Critchfield Author of Waking Up to Heal Is it possible for a traumatic life event to make someone stronger and more compassionate? It is, and author Sharon Critchfield’s new book, “Waking Up to Heal,” helps readers find the blessings hidden beneath the pain. Whether it’s an addiction, depression,…

Open Phone Friday – Put On Your Investment Hat for More Wealth and Better Health – May 6, 2016

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone OPEN PHONE FRIDAY with Patrick and Sharon When Anything Goes… And Usually Does!!! Patrick and Sharon talk with listeners, and each other, pondering emailed questions from the audience, taking a look at the latest news, and having a lot of fun. You’re invited to participate; we’d love to hear…

Andrew Gause and The Real World of Money – We are on the Cusp of a Big Financial Event – May 4, 2016

Andrew Gause THE REAL WORLD OF MONEY Andrew Gause may just be the top man anywhere for the highest quality analysis into the world of money we all live in. Andrew is a currency historian, an internationally recognized expert on the United States monetary system. He’s written two books, “The Secret World of Money” and…

Kristina Amelong – Being Willing to Be In the Mystery At Every Moment – May 3, 2016

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Kristina Amelong Creator of the Optimal Health Network Kristina Amelong, creator of the Optimal Health Network and 7Billion, offers easy-to-use alternative health resources to an international community. She provides effective lifestyle tools that assist people to create individualized, and depth-driven, health programs. The alternative health tools she recommends include…

Tristan Truscott – The Mind-Body Healing Connection – May 3, 2016

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Tristan Truscott The Mind-Body Healing Connection As a young man Tristan Truscott became involved in the Martial Arts where he beganhis study of the mind-body-spirit connection. After many years of dedicated trainingTristan was granted the coveted level of Black Belt and went on to build a thrivingMartial Arts Academy…

Dr. Richard Massey with Meridian Grace – Protecting and Optimizing Our Health Since So Many Unnatural Things That Have Been Added To the Water, Food, and Air – April 28, 2016

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Dr. Richard Massey with Meridian Grace Your Health Questions Answered Dr. Richard Massey joins us LIVE once a month to take health questions from our listeners. He is an MD practicing Wholistic and Natural Medicine. Meridian Grace has over 40 years of experience and worked with thousands of clients….

Andrew Gause and The Real World of Money – The Men Behind the Curtains Are Being Revealed – April 27, 2016

Andrew Gause THE REAL WORLD OF MONEY Andrew Gause may just be the top man anywhere for the highest quality analysis into the world of money we all live in. Andrew is a currency historian, an internationally recognized expert on the United States monetary system. He’s written two books, “The Secret World of Money” and…

Prof. Brian Peskin – The World’s Leading Physiologic EFA Expert Argues Against Fish/Cod Liver Oil – April 26, 2016

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Prof. Brian Peskin The World’s Leading Physiologic EFA Expert Prof. Brian Peskin is a world-leading scientist specializing in parent EFAs — termed PEOs — and their direct relationship to both cancer and cardiovascular disease. While advancing the scientific understanding of the role of essential fatty acids in the body’s…

Dr. Gerald H. Smith – Clean Mouth, Clean Body; How Dental Procedures Contribute to Disease – April 26, 2016

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Dr. Gerald H. Smith Natural Health Practitioner and Dentist Doctor Smith is certified by the World Organization for Natural Medicine to practice natural medicine globally. He is also a certified dental practitioner. His broad base of post-graduate training in dentistry and natural medicine enabled him to integrate many health…

Dr. Jennifer Daniels – When Your Doctor Becomes More Dangerous Than the Corner Drug Dealer – April 25, 2016

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Dr. Jennifer Daniels Author of The Lethal Dose: Murder By Medicine is No Accident Dr. Daniels is a former medical doctor who had her medical license suspended due to not prescribing enough drugs and truly healing her patients. Dr.Daniels is widely considered one of the foremost Alternative Healing Physicians…

Open Phone Friday – Honoring Everyone’s Opinion and Experience; What Proves to Be Good for One May Not Be Good for All – April 22, 2016

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone OPEN PHONE FRIDAY with Patrick and Sharon When Anything Goes… And Usually Does!!! Patrick and Sharon talk with listeners, and each other, pondering emailed questions from the audience, taking a look at the latest news, and having a lot of fun. You’re invited to participate; we’d love to hear…

Andrew Gause and The Real World of Money – Knowing the System and Working Within It Without a Fight – April 20, 2016

Andrew Gause THE REAL WORLD OF MONEY Andrew Gause may just be the top man anywhere for the highest quality analysis into the world of money we all live in. Andrew is a currency historian, an internationally recognized expert on the United States monetary system. He’s written two books, “The Secret World of Money” and…

Richard Sacks – Independent Holistic Health Scientist and Founder of Lost Arts Radio – April 19, 2016

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Richard Sacks Independent Holistic Health Scientist and Founder of Lost Arts Radio Richard Sacks began his work as an independent holistic health scientist in 1965, responding to the motivation of his own personal health issues, made worse by his interaction with modern allopathic medicine. Two of his earliest teachers,…

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The information on this website and talk shows is solely for informational and entertainment purposes. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. Neither the Editors, producers of One Radio Network, Patrick Timpone, their guests or web masters take responsibility for any possible consequences from any treatment, procedure, exercise, dietary modification, action or application of medication which results from reading or following the information contained on this website in written or audio form, live or podcasts. The publication of this information does not constitute the practice of medicine, and this information does not replace the advice of your physician or other health care provider. Before undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or other health care provider and take total responsibility for his or her actions at all times. Patrick Joseph of the family of Timpone, a man...All rights reserved, without recourse.