Ernest Hancock – Reigniting the Flames of Freedom – December 7, 2021

Ernest Hancock Declare Your Independence Ernest Hancock, founder of news website Freedom’s Phoenix (FreedomsPhoenix.Com), host of the Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock Radio Show (, Publisher of the Freedom’s Phoenix Digital Magazine ( and Freedom’s Phoenix Newspaper ( Ernest created to promote the DeCentralization of… Everything. Ernest is a longtime Libertarian and is known for…

Atom Bergstrom – In How Many Realms are They Perpetuating Mass Hypnotism? And More Fun Questions -December 6, 2021

Atom Bergstrom  Time Conscious Living Atom Bergstrom, born Gosta Ingvar Bergstrom, Jr, is credited as the founder of Sun Sync and the leading expert on a Sun-Centric lifestyle. Atom’s journey towards health, nutrition, longevity, and meditation goes back to 1955, when he first started reading books by D.C. Jarvis, J.I. Rodale, Carlton Fredericks, Adelle Davis,…

Patrick Timpone – It Takes A Long Time to Get Young – Detoxing 101 And Staying Younger, Because You Can – December 3, 2021

Patrick Timpone It Takes A Long Time to Get Young The places where the globalists have heavily programmed the population will be more dangerous to live in.    You’re only hurting yourself if you try to help the programmed people. Delta plus Omicron spells Media Control.  Anagram of Omicron is moronic. – great website. Biden…

Dr. Barre Paul Lando – Science and Medicine are Half Truths and Superstition;  A Thinner Veil Allows Some to See More -December 1, 2021

Dr. Barre Paul Lando ALFA VEDIC GARDENS began in 2007 at our site in the remote Mattole River Valley of Humboldt County, California. The property was developed over a 9 year period, and became a destination for visitors and locals alike who enjoyed the serene aesthetics, and impressive diversity of ornamental and medicinal botanical specimens….

Fred Dashevsky and The Real World of Money – Will the FedCoin, Vax Passports, Digital Currency Be Tied Together? – December 1, 2021

Fred Dashevsky The Real World of Money Fred Dashevsky is from Long Island New York. He attended University of New York at Albany and studied psychology, political science, and economics. Fred started in the coin business in 1984 in Northern New Jersey opening several offices in Southern California in the mid 80s. He returned to…

Patrick Timpone – The More We Let Our Fears Go, the More the Light Shines Through – November 30, 2021

Patrick Timpone The More We Let Our Fears Go, the More the Light Shines Through Telegram channel All our videos… Bitchute We create diseases so we can overcome them. We have to figure out past experiences and we do that by going through “stuff”.  Figure out how the game is played and then grow spiritually….

Patrick Timpone – Most Will Fall for “The Great Reset” , Owning Nothing and Having No Debt – November 29, 2021

And once you get involved with this you will never get out of their control…. ever. Patrick Timpone When Anything Goes…and Usually Does!!! Why will believing in falsities make the body age? Is Omicron variant all made up?  Where is this all going? Kerry Mullis, creator of the PCR test, said: “ Anyone can test…

Richard Green – IRS Whistleblower Talks Life Inside Today’s Chaotic and Dysfunctional I.R.S. – November 29, 2021

Richard Green IRS Whistleblower and Author of Agents of Deceit: The True Story of Life Inside Today’s Chaotic and Dysfunctional I.R.S. Ric Green spent five years as an IRS auditor — and lived to tell the tale! In this searing, behind-the-scenes look at the real IRS and the threat it now poses to the financial well-being…

Patrick Timpone – The Power of Turpentine, the Magic of Coffee Enemas at Liver Time & More – November 26, 2021

Patrick Timpone When Anything Goes…and Usually Does!!! Post-Thanksgiving sales on at ORN affiliates.  See ORN website for promo codes. Letting go of everything – a key to good health and good life. Patrick shares his personal testimony for Prime Digestive Powder from Shen Blossom, Digestive Bitters from Surthrival, and Dr. Cowan’s Garden Powders. Cobalamin tonic…

Richard Maybury – The Country Is Divided and Violence Is Inevitable – November 24, 2021

Richard Maybury  Founder of The Early Warning Report Richard Maybury is widely regarded as one of the top free-market writers in America. His articles have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, USA Today and other major publications. Richard Maybury publishes one of the most well respected newsletters on investing in the World: Early Warning Report. He’s asked us to…

Mary Otto Chang – Corporate coup d’etat of the UN; How Can We Stop the Tyranny? – November 23, 2021

Mary Otto-Chang Former U.N. Employee & Whistleblower Corporate coup d’etat of the UN; How Can We Stop the Tyranny? Mary Otto-Chang, 62 year old Canadian and Jamaican citizen.  Mary spent about 20 years in the UN over a thirty year span and is now retired.  She has travelled to and worked in many countries and…

Dr. Jennifer Daniels – The Magic of Turpentine; the Best prevention Against COVID and the Jabs – November 22, 2021

Dr. Jennifer Daniels Author of The Lethal Dose: Murder By Medicine is No Accident  Dr. Daniels is a former medical doctor who had her medical license suspended due to not prescribing enough drugs and truly healing her patients. Dr.Daniels is widely considered one of the foremost Alternative Healing Physicians alive today. She graduated from Harvard University…

Patrick Timpone – A Well Planned and Well Executed Plan to Control and Poison Us – November 19, 2021

Patrick Timpone When Anything Goes…And Usually Does!! Was there a great reset 500-600 years ago?  A lost history?  Is the Roman Empire all made up?  Were trees a mile high?  Energy grabbed from the ether?  Prager University scholar says solar and wind energy is the biggest scam.  Can supply only 5-6% of the world’s energy…

Dr. Andrew Kaufman – Knowing the Truth About COVID Threatens Our Controllers – November 17, 2021

Dr. Andrew Kaufman COVID Truths, COVID Lies Dr. Andrew Kaufman is an American natural healing consultant, inventor, expert witness and forensic psychiatrist who has been powerfully outspoken throughout the pandemic. Speaking counter to the mainstream media, Dr. Kaufman has stated that a virus is not causing a new disease, there is no evidence of increased…

Martin Armstrong – The Whole System Is Collapsing and It’s All About the Debt – November 17, 2021

Martin Armstrong Founder of Armstrong Economics and Author of The Cycle of War & the Coronavirus and Manipulating the World Economy The Cycle of War & the Coronavirus is the most comprehensive review of the cycle of war and civil unrest throughout history. This covers everything from tax rebellions that spark revolutions such as “No Taxation Without Representation” to…

Patrick Timpone – Spirit Is the Power Force But Our Focus and Attention Is What Makes It Happen – November 16, 2021

Patrick Timpone When Anything Goes…and Usually Does!! Since we’re all interconnected, and we’re experiencing changes, some food choices that worked before may be disagreeing with us now.  It may be time to give up favorite foods and start from square one. Look for fun things on ORN Telegram page and join in. Patrick recommends coffee…

Dr. Ray Peat, Ph.D – Do Genes Matter? Can We Change Our DNA? – November 15, 2021

Dr. Ray Peat, Ph.D Renowned Nutritional Counselor Ray Peat acquired his PhD from the University of Oregon with a specialization in physiology. He started his work on hormones in 1968 and wrote his dissertation in 1972 in which he outlined his ideas on progesterone and the hormones closely related to it. His main thesis is that energy and structure…

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The information on this website and talk shows is solely for informational and entertainment purposes. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. Neither the Editors, producers of One Radio Network, Patrick Timpone, their guests or web masters take responsibility for any possible consequences from any treatment, procedure, exercise, dietary modification, action or application of medication which results from reading or following the information contained on this website in written or audio form, live or podcasts. The publication of this information does not constitute the practice of medicine, and this information does not replace the advice of your physician or other health care provider. Before undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or other health care provider and take total responsibility for his or her actions at all times. Patrick Joseph of the family of Timpone, a man...All rights reserved, without recourse.