Patrick Timpone

Today’s guest didn’t show up, so Patrick focuses on current events and financial issues.

For a basic introduction to today’s worsening financial situation, Patrick recommends two movies.

What are synthetic instruments? How do they contribute to financial crises?

Is today’s low interest rate mortgage lending going to lead to the same crisis as in 2008?

How does Basel III (Third Basel Accord) relate to the European Banking System and the price of gold?

Patrick signed up for Elon Musk’s Starlink satellite internet service.

Thousands of satellites in low Earth orbit will make the internet faster and available to everyone.

Patrick questions the significance of Memorial Day. What’s really behind all the flag-waving and parades?

Do our boys” go to fight for our freedom or do they fight to capture the resources of other countries for the elite? Are they laying down their lives for the oil in Iraq and the poppies and minerals in Afghanistan?

“Wars have never been about freedom no matter how far back you go,” according to Patrick. “As long as kids keep joining up, this whole military thing will keep on going on for a long time.”

What will Jeff Bezos do with the $10 billion handout the Senate is planning to give him for Blue Origin? Could it be the $8.5 billion he spent buying MGM?

“These guys are going to fall down and go Boom! one day. They’re not going to get away with this forever. People are going to get wise one day,” assures Patrick.

Patrick and some friends attended The ARISE USA Resurrection Tour Saturday, featuring Robert David Steele, Sacha Stone, and Sheriff Mack.

Patrick met up with David Wolfe there too. David will probably be doing another show on One Radio Network soon.

John writes in about the mRNA vaccine. He’s 80 revolutions around the Sun, and he and his wife think it should be “destroyed immediately.”

Patrick agrees, and tells listeners, “It’s never been proven that there’s a virus in the air, so get over it.”

A listener writes in about the military helping young people to grow up.

Patrick tells how the military helped him “grow up,” but “it’s a sloppy way to do it, all based on a lie.”

How does the latest Republican-led voting bill address voting fraud in Texas? Governor Greg Abbott is expected to sign it.

“Isn’t it crazy how the Elites pulled off this worldwide control based on nothing?,” marvels Patrick.

Patrick is due to be out of Facebook jail soon. He’ll probably last about three days before he’s kicked off again for going against Doug & Mel’s narrative.

The U.S. government is trying to make Russia and China out as the bad guys.

“You better learn Mandarin because China is so far ahead of us,” advises Patrick. “The next Root Race is going to be the Yellow Race.”

Does the government do anything to improve life, or do they just steal and make more problems?

“We need 100 million people to say, ‘No! We’re not going to take it anymore!”

A listener writes in wanting to know more about tooth care.

A listener asks, “If the BBC can’t get facts right, who can?”

“The BBC never gets their facts right. It’s all fake news,” guarantees Patrick.

Why does the government want to get rid of animals?

A listener writes in, “Cows don’t fart. They belch methane.”

“Isn’t earth a trip? There are so many opportunities. I’ve never felt better in my life,” says Patrick.

“It’s about quality, not quantity. Help souls to wake up to have the happiest life ever.”

“Take care of yourself and family. That’s what our show is about: health, wealth, and well-being.”

Patrick with an impromtu show on the last day in May, 2021

'Patrick Timpone – Current Events, Financial Issues, Vaccine Info, & More – May 31, 2021' have 3 comments

  1. June 1, 2021 @ 9:20 pm Paul

    Hi Patrick. Caught your show on Monday, and heard the comment about JFK knowing that his win against Nixon was rigged. Well, I’m not sure he did, at least not initially. He may have eventually learned about it, and considering that he was going “against the grain” mightily and in enough respects that he had to be taken out by the elites, I’d give him the benefit of the doubt. They sprang quite a few surprises on him, like the Cuban missile crisis. Anyway, Chicago was said to be the deciding factor in the win, and the Mob which was running the city, made sure the votes swung to JFK. Somewhere along the line (don’t recall) I heard that early in the year of his murder, JFK ordered an investigation into the racketeering connections of — guess who? None other than Pelosi’s father, D’Alessandro. Cheers!


    • June 2, 2021 @ 7:27 am patrick

      Hi Paul,
      I don’t think I said that JFK himself knew….but, it is hard to believe he didn’t…(who knows for sure)…but most everyone else in the trenches was aware
      at the time. I think you are right about Chicago and where the votes were stuffed. The books say his Father orchestrated it.

      Andy Gause, who was a JFK Sholar (literally)..agrees that the many factors that brought his murder: Going after the Mob, RFK going after the CiA, JFK wanting out of Vietnam, the Cuban missle crisis and of course his distain for the FED and he actually prinnted lots of notes in Treasury, Silver Certificates, backed by silver. The Banker boys were not thrilled with this move.


      • June 2, 2021 @ 4:21 pm Paul

        Thanks Patrick. You’re probably a good person who could answer this question: what’s your take on Rudy Giuliani? Quite a few Italian-Americans have lauded Giuliani for taking down the five biggest Mob families back in the 80s when he was DA in NYC, so how could he not be a good guy — although he even got to live after that! Imagine… However, others have reminded that Rudy was mayor during 911, so he must have known and been in on it. Therefore, he must also have already had “special protection” back in the 80s… Any thoughts? Did he flip at some point? Or was he always suspect?


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