Patrick Timpone

Patrick’s been experimenting with Fiji water and the claim that it is structured which affects the body’s ability to detox

Yawing is a natural phenomenon that increases when one is comfortable, saying their Truth and relaxing

What vaccines does Patrick believe are necessary for dogs and cats?

How is it possible that if all the horror stories out there on:Chem trails, vaccines in animals, toxic air, water and food, EMF’s etc. are as dangerous as we are being told are true?

If true, we would all be dead.

Senator Kennedy takes on big government expert on carbon who wants to spend 50 trillion over the next ten years

Ice samples in the arctic prove within a thousand of a degree that the coldest this earth has ever been was not that long ago and what temperature

increases are just following a predictive cycle.

High tech monsters are trying to convince us that AI is potentially massively dangerous.  Why?

A listener writes in about Hell, and Patrick talks about karma

Texas is planning on putting out a gold backed digital currency that can be used instead of Central Bank Digital Currencies

Patrick demonstrates burst exercise  on the rebounder moving his pulse from 54 to 150 in less than a minute

'Patrick Timpone | How to Triple Your Pulse Rate in Less Than A Minute with Burst Exercise & More | May 8, 2023' has 1 comment

  1. May 21, 2023 @ 1:37 pm Eric

    I just wanted to share a few times a day, if the schedule allows. I’ll walk outside my door and go to the street, offer up a few Thanksgiving and praises for all that is good… And take off running like my life depends on it, I’ll go for 45 seconds or until I give out it’s not much further after 45 seconds… lol.

    I can’t even begin to explain how that has changed my current pilgrimage situation. I’ve never really been one to “work out” or “exercise” I’ve always just worked, and worked long hard hours day in and day out….
    Blessing to you Patrick.


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