Patrick Timpone

Perspective Is Everything

How we view our world and all the things going on can be processed and understood in many different ways which is why we see such a divide these days. Perspective is everything.

Does it seem like we are living in a land of make-believe and science fiction now?

NASA gets $30 million dollars for Gravity movie, for its part in making stuff up.

John would like a show on the mechanics of cryptocurrency.  For now, see ORN Tom Luongo show on Bitchute.

Civil War was really about economics, about the north imposing tariffs on the cotton-processing machinery the south wanted from England.   Not about slavery.

What are the implications for today’s world of false history?

What are the 4 organic laws of the US?

Why does critical race theory have legs today?

Free German New Medicine (aka German Healing Knowledge) Global Summit this Saturday, October 16, 6-9 EDT. Register at USAGNM Summit 2021 ( Featuring stories of people using German New Medicine.

Judge ordered an United Airlines not to place unvaxxed workers on unpaid leave for refusing vax until he can hear the case.

Unvaxxed restaurant worker with natural immunity uses George Sewell exemption to negate NY Health Inspector requirement for a vax.

Corporate boys are trying to impose a 15% corporate tax.

Research of Dr. Michael Burry (The Big Short) showed what % of taxes the top 1% pay. 

All of the Covid scenario was a mind bomb and it’s still ongoing.

‘‘They” may be mentally ill but they’re not stupid.  Is something big coming this winter?  Supply chain issues now.  Prepare.

ORN is back on Facebook, but visit them at Telegram instead.

'Patrick Timpone – Perspective Is Everything – October 13, 2021' have 2 comments

  1. October 16, 2021 @ 1:03 pm Tim

    Indeed but not all bc the two important things before that is being OPEN and UNBIASED… then DYOR and then you can have perspective. Not sooner.

    from 11.00min


    • October 16, 2021 @ 1:52 pm patrick

      The video you sent is from fellows, well meaning, angry and from their perspective as they are in the Matrix.

      The only way to have an unbiased and open perspective is from the level of Soul.

      I encourage you to investigate this for yourself.


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