Patrick Timpone

Why does your soul benefit from getting your home in order?  What is soul boot camp?

Sign up for “The New Biology” True Healing Conference on October 9-10, 2021.

Why you shouldn’t just quit if you’re forced to choose between a jab and keeping your job?

Why are prices going up now?  What will happen to the dollar?

Caller Cylindria asks why Patrick says we will get sicker if we don’t wake up.

Patrick shows 2 videos.  One of the sun rising close up to earth.  Another of Nightbirde singing “It’s Okay” on America’s Got Talent.

Bridgette called.  She liked Santos Bonacci and what he said about needing to take action.  Bemoans that almost all media is complicit with taking the jab.  Where to go after she sells her Florida home?  Do what you know to be true.  Patrick is looking forward to her einkorn sourdough bagels.

Emailer David says how much he’s learned from Patrick over 5 years, but to lay off the flat earth stuff.

Email Patrick to get link to videos showing the earth is flat and not spinning.  NASA has no real pictures of the earth.

'Patrick Timpone -Simple and logical things to contemplate for a happier life – September 21, 2021' has 1 comment

  1. September 22, 2021 @ 9:00 am Denton

    “Emailer David says how much he’s learned from Patrick over 5 years, but to lay off the flat earth stuff.” This topic was the one Patrick didn’t touch for years even though he was told about it and had Allegedly Dave on a while back. Too bad for David, but good for us that Patrick is all over this topic now. Academia seems to be able to brainwash the eager learners out there and scar them deeply. I have seen this personally in agriculture graduates….critical thinking is out the window and then they think they are the ones who are the critical thinkers. I have lost good people to this system.


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