Patrick Timpone

When We are Living a Lie, We Get Sick, Age and Die Early

Giving into the dynamics of the mind prevents us from growing spiritually and is why we get sick.

Look deep and see what lies we’re telling ourselves.

Will we have to do anything to fix the NWO, the cabal, and the government?

The US founders let the boys in pretty quickly on the money system.  Banking system has been controlling us since 1793.  And other systems since then as well.  

It’s never been about freedom.  The illegitimate system will implode.  There are no political solutions.

Janet appreciates the information Patrick shares that’s helped her and her family stay healthy.

Daughter-in-law diagnosed with Parkinson’s would benefit from letting go of fear, worry, and uncertainty. 

Dr. Cowan’s work says we’re made up of a magical magnetic gel that sends out and takes in information.  Water can be more powerful than silicon chips, will be used to replace them.  Saunas, sweat lodges useful for melting the gel and releasing the embedded toxins.

The swampy military leadership in the US today will be mandating the vax on the half that hasn’t had it.

Texas legislature working on legislation to make vaccine mandates illegal.

Charlie Sewell working on how to be a national with allegiance to your state and not a US citizen. 

Airlines backing down on vaccine mandates.  Parents not letting their children get vaxxed.  Is it all falling apart?

The energy of Washington is being reflected by a elderly guy that is mentally ill and cheated his way into office.

Christopher wants a deterrent to ticks to use for his dog.  Fire ants?

Listeners appreciate David Wolfe as a guest.

Joyce wonders if there is a data base of all the folks that have received the jab.

F100 pilot said he couldn’t see earth’s curvature flying at 30,000 feet.   See Convex Earth documentary put out by Brazilian globalist scientists who set out to prove earth is a spinning globe.  Used light, radar, sound, and lasers in their study.

'Patrick Timpone – When We are Living a Lie, We Get Sick, Age and Die Early – October 20, 2021' have 2 comments

  1. October 23, 2021 @ 1:51 pm Angel

    And telling lies.. what for pill is that flat pancake? We have listen here for years but going along so easy with flat pancakes that come here and tells a logic unnatural story whereby there is 100% proof this is a sphere…. is where we drawn the line! You here giving us lies and make a fool of yourself plus to lazy to do your own research. Is the Moon also fake that I see trough my telescope? Is it flat bc is round to me and you can see that for yourself or is that also a lie? What about Jupiter and the storms there? Cannot be on a flat disk! Do not know what is happen to you, but for us you are over a line bc who knows what for bs you have fed us more bc you are to lazy to think and research clearly. That is so clear now! Why still listen to these flat people? Tell me that.

    And you trow so above, so below also in the bin for some clowns that can talk a good story but that is all what it is… one big psy-op story and good luck with your views here bc we hear it more from others that you are losing it. Is just a psy-op to divide people that know there is something wrong here but it aint a flat disk Pat and you fall flat on your face bc the masses will run from you if they here your wining about totally bullshit and this is helping how? You are done Pat and good luck to ya


    • October 23, 2021 @ 5:11 pm patrick

      I think you should chill a bit and take a breath.

      Tell you what. Show us one picture… real photo no CGI, no painting…one picture of your alleged round spinning earth surrounded by space. NASA has a 30 billion dollar a year budget… do they have one. just one.
      Does this alleged Hubble thing have one photo of anything that is not CGI, much less earth.

      Show me one and I will agree we are on a spinning ball, other wise, keep listening and get awake… and call me Patrick.


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