Patrick Timpone

Patrick loves to connect with listeners and talk about everything under the sun. Do you have a question or comment about health or well being? How about spiritual concepts? What do you think about our reality? Are we suffering from mass psychosis or being programmed? Did we go to the moon? Is the world a sphere spinning through space? Join the conversation. We have loads of fun!!

Will the awakened come out on top? 

Sally K. Norton and others write about oxalates, which are little crystals that plants create to make their leaves not tasty.  Are in spinach, almonds, chard, white potatoes, many, many foods. Aren’t in botanical fruits or meat.

Patrick realized he had been eating a high oxalate diet.  Has numb area between toes, sleep issues.  Has switched to a high carnivore diet of fat, butter, meat, fruit, honey, eggs, goat’s milk.  Will it make a difference?

Gas prices – all controlled.  Politicians making sure they stay up.  See Tom Luongo.

Breast cancer – many can be linked to oral pathology.  Especially root canals, implants.

Canadians can’t board a train or plane if not COVID jabbed.  Can only travel within the country and by car.

Pigs and chickens aren’t ruminants.  What they eat, we eat.  Chickens benefit from eating insects.

Plants use intrinsic chemical defenses to ward off critters that want to eat them.   Will make more when they sense a caterpillar is chewing on them.

Hair analysis, blood tests – are the results meaningful?

Former PA congressman pleads guilty to election fraud.  Bribery, falsification of electoral records.

JFK-Nixon election.  Last minute ballot stuffing orchestrated by JFK’s father.

2,000 Mules movie proves Biden-Trump election result was not legitimate.

Will they get their just results in this lifetime?  Hang tough for now.  The globalists just don’t get it.

WHO has backed off on the pandemic treaty.

States can do what they want, the feds can’t tell them what to do.

The feds give subsidies to control what companies do.

Get stronger so we can weather the storm until things fall apart.

We’re spiritual beings.  Our job is to realize we are and to do what we can to help others.  Request guidance.

Ask: How is it possible to not come back here again? 

Caller Mark comments that everything that is advertised is a lie.  What does free-range eggs mean?

Dr. Paul Saladino promotes being a carnivore.  Has Heart & Soil line of organ supplements.

'Patrick Timpone – Will the Awakened Come Out on Top? – June 8, 2022' has no comments

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