Peter R. Breggin MD and Ginger R. Breggin

COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey

          Since January 2020 with the advent of SARS-CoV-2, the Breggin partnership has given most of their attention to the fraud and widespread falsehoods behind the Chinese virus pandemic, and the necessity of taking a determined political stand against the authoritarian and totalitarian intentions of those who are driving the COVID attack on freedom. They have written COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey, a bestseller that has sold more than 62,000 copies within the first three months of its official publication on September 30, 2021.

          Their book has stunning introductions by three of the world’s leading COVID-19 treating physicians: Peter A. McCullough MD, MPH; Vladimir “Zev” Zelenko MD; and Elizabeth Lee Vliet MD. In addition to the three medical doctors, attorney Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., the author of The Real Anthony Fauci, has also endorsed the book as the single most comprehensive analysis of the coalition of global predators behind COVID-19:

“No other book so comprehensively covers the details of COVID-19 criminal conduct as well as its origins in a network of global predators seeking wealth and power at the expense of human freedom and prosperity, under cover of false public health policies. “ RFK, Jr.

          Dr. and Mrs. Breggin believe that their new book, COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey, is the most important book and project of their forty years together and their individual lifetimes devoted to reform work and speaking truth to power. The writing took 18 months, often working 8-12 hours per day seven days a week, while researching and consulting with colleagues, and communicating their findings to professionals and the public.

          Their book has more than 1,000 references and 651 pages, including a lengthy chronology of events and an extensive index. Many readers praise the book as the most important in years (see the Amazon comments, for example). Although scientifically and historically documented, it is also a page-turner that tells an amazing but disturbing story. It concludes with chapters about what must done to stop this avalanche of totalitarianism disguised as public health measures to manage COVID-19.

COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey is sold in America and worldwide through all major bookstores, such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Books-a-Million. In the U.S. only, it is sold at a substantial discount by the authors on

Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin preemptively flooded the market with his unpublished COVID-19 book manuscripts to prevent manipulation of that text.

Experience of previous testimony in court cases to expose corruption of clinical trials.

Quandary if he should expose the obvious fraud of COVID.

Eye-opening paper revealing escapes of virus from Chinese labs.

Startling 2010 announcement by Bill Gates of the decade of vaccines.  Not something a private entrepreneur would do.  Gates fostered further UN involvement.  Looked like the onset of fascism.

Discovered master plan of Gates working with Fauci, FDA, CDC, BARDA, WHO, WEF.  CEPI business plan, set up by Gates, to bring billionaires together with agencies to prepare for financial investment for a disease not currently existing.

Johns Hopkins Univ. writing about COVID as early as 2017.

After Gates said DNA, RNA vaccines would be needed, Dr. Breggin knew it was planned.

Go to to buy book COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey directly from the Breggins at a discount.

Vaccines had been tested first on animals, with disastrous responses.  2020 paper said not to test on humans because it was too dangerous in animals.

30,000 reported deaths from COVID vaccine.  Unprecedented that a vaccine stayed on the market after 50 deaths.  Based on rate of previous reporting of adverse events of other drugs, need to multiply by 10 to 100 to get actual number.

Global predators like Bill Gates want depopulation.  See Gates’ web site.

Book has introductions by Drs. McCullough, Zelenko, and Vliet (see  Endorsement by Robert Kennedy, Jr. 

In 2022 Biden admin. sent to WHO amendments to regulations, binding on all members, making Fauci dictator of WHO.  Scratched out all requirements that before an emergency could be recognized, WHO needed permission from a country before they could interfere.

Go to for Dr. Breggin’s articles on WHO.

US Senate rejected these regulations.  Cleansed it and took out nasty amendments.

But still a treaty pending to make WHO the guiding, leading authority of health care.  To scrap this, need to support Republicans in November 2022 election.  Need to change the Senate.  We’re the last bastion in the world to stop the craziness.

Treaty signers are US, 27 EU nations, Great Britain, Ireland, Switzerland, India, South Korea, South America nations.  No African nations.  Russia and China staying out of it.

Every globalist (e.g. Michael Bloomberg) is sponsored by China.  They hated Trump’s decoupling from China.

Moderna never had a product before the mRNA vaccine.  Much competition, but Moderna and Pfizer set up to be COVID vax manufacturers by Fauci.

Experimental Use Authorization (EUA) of vaccines doesn’t protect the manufacturer from fraud.

We need to get out of WHO.  Trump was right, and he didn’t know what was cooking.

Since they’ve had the amendments brought up, and they’ve been tabled, they can bring them up again without notice.

If treaty is not defeated, we will be living under the Chinese empire.

Male shooters are a result of emasculating masculine culture.  George Soros is the epitome of a global predator.  He supports BLM and LGBTQ movements. 

The Breggins’ book covers all this in more detail.

'Peter R. Breggin MD and Ginger R. Breggin- COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey – May 30, 2022' has 1 comment

  1. June 3, 2022 @ 3:39 pm Pam

    Dr. Ardis is the bravest.


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