Pineal sand (brain sand) is mostly composed of the salts of calcium, magnesium, and silicon.

Conscious evolution is headed in the direction of more calcium and less silicon in the pineal gland, and less calcium and more silicon in the skeleton.

Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) said …

“The 200-mile limit is the trough in the momentum of the Earth. The moment you break the 200-mile limit, you break the absorption-elimination cycle. Everything goes four times as fast or four times as slow. There is a lesser loss of calcium in a quicker time closer to the 200-mile limit. There is a greater loss of calcium in a greater time beyond the 200-mile limit.”

Adano was an unofficial adviser to NASA in the 1980.

200 miles (320 kilometers) is the minimum altitude for avoiding Earth’s atmospheric interference.

The lactic acid in cow’s milk is contraindicated for space travel.

Lactic acid puts a dairy user in negative calcium balance, one reason the U.S. hip-fracture rate is the world’s highest and that osteoporosis is more common in industrialized countries with high lactic calcium consumption.

In 1976, at the Texas Institute of Reflex Sciences, Adano told us astronauts lose bone calcium because they were raised on cow’s milk.

He advised the use of an “impact technique,” where astronauts slapped each other in the face and body to retain their calcium.

This seemed preposterous in 1976, yet two decades later NASA confirmed that weight-bearing exercises don’t retain calcium, but high-impact exercise DOES.

IMPACT SONICS – the re-SOUNDING nature of impact – causes calcium to gel and remain within muscle and bone.

Said sonics is also the cause of “runner’s knee” (patellofemoral pain syndrome), as well as “runner’s ankle” and “runner’s hip.”

The calcium-silicon ratio in human skin will have to evolve for intergalactic space travel too.

Marshall T. Savage (The Millennial Project: Colonizing the Galaxy in Eight Easy Steps, 1992, 1994) wrote …

“One’s skin makes a good space suit for several reasons; it is impermeable; it is well attached to the underlying tissue; and most importantly, it applies counter pressure to the fluids of the body.”

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'Pineal Sand Is Evolving for Our Journey to the Stars' have 4 comments

  1. July 30, 2012 @ 12:44 pm atomb

    The quartz (silicon) clock in our pineal gland will be phased out during intergalactic space travel and replaced by a photoelastic calcite (Iceland spar) light polarization detector like the one in the exoskeleton of the starfish.

  2. July 30, 2012 @ 8:51 pm lucy

    Because of that I like better astral travel. It’s cheaper,faster,much more fun,no need of space skin suit and one can
    interconnect with loved ones already passed.

    If cow’s milk is bad for intergalactic travel,wouldn’t colostrum be better?

    • August 1, 2012 @ 10:55 pm atomb

      Whole cream from a cow is OK.

      So is sheep milk, cheese, or yogurt.

      Happy Astral Trails! ;)

  3. August 2, 2012 @ 2:36 am lucy

    Thank you Atom,You are the Best !

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