Potluck Eating

By Atom Bergstrom

Atom’s Blog

Soil depletion is real, but so far it’s a problem for the farmer, not the food consumer.

There’s no mineral depletion in the supermarket — all those minerals have been robbed from the farmers’ soil to bankrupt him to feed the consumer.


According to Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) …

“We don’t suffer from lack of eating. We suffer from potluck eating.”

In plainer words he also said …

“The trouble with Americans is they’re too damn fat!”


Americans get too much nutrition, not too little … and they eat their food OUT OF TIME.

If the timing of your engine’s cam is off, your car will run rough or not at all.

What makes you think the sacred temple of your body is any different?


According to Don Tolman (The Indiana Jones of Superfoods) …

“I don’t totally buy into the false science that claims a lack of minerals in today’s soil, therefore meaning our food is devoid of the nutrition it had just 40 years ago. Now don’t get me wrong, in simple terms, what I mean by that is that if a tomato seed is planted, cultivated and it grows up to become a tomato, it got everything that it needed — otherwise, it could not have become that!”

Also, according to him …

“The notion that today’s plant foods are devoid of nutrients due to a lack of minerals in the ‘dirt’ or ‘soil’, is a false notion that has been used to promote the global sale of vitamins, pills, and capsules.”


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