Robert Boustany



The PRALAYA YOGA System is continually being optimized to help you develop maximum functional strength, reach the safe extremes of functional flexibility, discover the keys to the best alignment for your body and artfully define the areas that need the most attention.  Pralaya Yoga was developed by ROBERT BOUSTANY specifically to support joint longevity as well as to prevent and speed recuperation from the common problems in sports and daily life.

Pralaya Yoga increases energy over time by relaxing and decompressing the spine as you develop precise muscle balance for exceptional strength and mobility. This is done in order to allow for maximum neurological activation of muscles and organs so you can be your BEST.

Yoga is yoking the mind and body together.  A union to become enlightened.  Merging with the ocean of all life.

Spirituality is to be caught, not taught.

Acupuncture is stimulating microcurrents.  Fascia and blood flow respond to currents induced by tai chi.

How to breathe in pralaya yoga.

Quieting the noise down so the purity of you can come out.

Breathe and don’t resist.  No pressure to achieve.

Robert shared his story of rapid healing from cancer surgery after gaining an energetic understanding leading to a change in his consciousness.

Need to be relaxed to pull in subtle energy.

Increasing brain activity in beta state led to a woman understanding how her addiction developed.

Patrick found breathing into a pain made it worse.  But a more subtle breathing made the pain disappear.  Why?

If focusing on pain, all your energy goes into that.  Where you put your attention is where the energy goes.  Focus on where you want the energy to go, into the specific area, and not on what you want to avoid.  Relaxation is key.

Contracting a muscle in the arm might hurt.  If you can relax while doing it, there is no pain.  Let the energy run. 

Chronic pain is a biochemical thing.  Constant pain prevents relaxation.  Creates an electrical blockage.  Relaxation allows the microcurrents to run.

An explanation of how the placebo effect happens.

Neck is a reflection of alignment in the pelvis and spine.  Spine is a stack of blocks.  Whatever is displaced at upper level is a reflection of displacement at the lower level.  Must correct from the bottom up. 

Shoulders are always going up.  Strengthen muscles that pull shoulders down and you don’t have neck pain.  Balance muscle power.  Quadriceps/hamstring example.  Stretching is always done slowly.

2 types of sciatica pain:  1) Bulging disc 2) imbalance in piriformis.  What to do for each type.

How to learn virtually:  Google Robert Boustany.  Visit  In person or online courses.

'Robert Boustany | Pralaya Yoga: Yoking the Mind and Body Together | August 16, 2022' has 1 comment

  1. August 21, 2022 @ 3:26 pm robert m. cohl, d.c.

    Excellent interview! Almost every lumbar disc mediated back, hip and/or leg pain(true sciatica pain from the back and/or the buttock has to have a pain referring (numbness, tingling, burning , sharp, stabbing, and/or achey below the knee. If it starts only in the back, and/or hip and thigh is still part of the lumbar spine LI, L2. L3, L4. L5, S1. Muscles and joint dysfunction are always part of the equation. Most common muscles that are weak (inhibited) with functional manual muscle testing MMT are psoas/rectus femoris (quadricep), gluteus medius/TFL, hamstring, gastrocnemius. The sacroiliac joint is always dysfunction with any back problem. Associated tight(over fiacilitated) muscles that may be involved are piriformis, adductors, sartorius, tibialis posterior, peroneus longus, brevis and/or tertius. Go to a good chiropractor who does AK, applied kinesiology. It incorporates functional neurology. I have alreay contacted the Pralaya Yoga headquarters in Houston. I lived their 1978-1982, I was in walking distance from their headquarters if I was their now. Best interview in quite sometime for people like me getting introduce to yoga, acupuncture and health foods back in the mid 1970’s.


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