Raw Brown Sugar

By Atom Bergstrom

Atom’s Blog

Raw brown sugar is illegal in the U.S. except for animal feed.

Raw blond sugar (medium-size crystals) is legal but problematical.


According to Dr. Google (and the doc is correct) …

“All sugar is somewhat refined — truly unrefined sugar is illegal and not available for purchase.”


Most “brown sugar” is totally refined then sprayed with burnt sugar often in a commercial machine resembling a car wash.

Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) bought true unrefined brown sugar in Sugarland, Texas, for the Banana Grove Restaurant by claiming it was for his “cattle.”

I suppose you could say he was “all hat and no cattle.”


Q — Why is it illegal?

A — Because the Medical Police State says so.

The other two main reasons are …

(1) a submissive public and (2) an ignorant public.

Why doesn’t everyone know about fake brown sugar? How many people do you know who know about it?

I’ve never met a single person except the person who told me, yet it’s easy to find on the internet … and I’m sure most sugar manufacturers and many cattlemen know about it.

Why don’t Sheep-Bots investigate what they shovel into their mouth?

Why are they so submissive?

Medical Nemesis is created by the Crowd, not by the Elite.


Q — What about sugar feeding cancer cells??? I eat mostly blackstrap molasses.

A — Cancer cells eat what we eat. Cancer is an isoparasite. It loves meat more than sugar — that’s why cancer eats human beings and not lemon meringue pie and chocolate Easter bunnies.

According to Dr. Google (not to mention most medical schools) …

“Proliferating cancer cells rely largely on glutamine for survival and proliferation. Glutamine serves as a carbon source for the synthesis of lipids and metabolites via the TCA cycle, as well as a source of nitrogen for amino acid and nucleotide synthesis.”


Q — What about jaggery? It’s dehydrated sugar cane from India. Is it brown sugar?

A — It’s partially refined. Jaggery contains some molasses.


Date sugar is a Growth Zone 1 morning sugar, Cane sugar is a Growth Zone 2 midday sugar, and beet sugar is a Growth Zone 3 evening sugar.

Solar Timing is less important for highly refined foods … but not totally irrelevant.


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