Raw Egg Nationalist
The enemy today is soy globalism. The globalists’ aim is to destroy nations and local communities. To do this, they isolate and sicken the individual, especially through food, so-called medicine and all of the harmful chemicals we’re exposed to on a daily basis. The globalists want you to be fat, sick, depressed and isolated, the better to control you and to milk you of as much economic value as they can before they kill you. That’s the Great Reset in a nutshell. Own nothing, live in the pod, eat the soy.
Well, the best response to this, as Trump showed, is a strong politics of nationalism. But the nation is only as strong as the individuals who make it up. So that’s where the raw eggs come in. Eggs are a superfood, packed with protein, healthy fat, vitamins, minerals and anabolic cholesterol – the absolute opposite of the disgusting rubbish globalists like Klaus Schwab want to make you eat. What’s more they’re cheap and easy to source locally. You don’t need a patent to make eggs, you just need a happy hen. By following the wisdom of classic bodybuilders like Vince Gironda and consuming large quantities of raw eggs, raw egg nationalists are able to build the healthy, strong bodies and resilient independent minds they need to fight the Great Reset and usher in a pro-human future.
Phyto Estrogens Are the Issues for men and women regarding hormones
Plastics and chemicals are the main players with Estrogen and Testosterone disruption
Soy the leader, but all beans are estrogenic
Vegetables had anti nutrients and toxins
Weightlifters/Body builders in in the 50’s era at massive amount of raw eggs, “Rocky Style.”
Cholesterol propels testosterone and muscle gains
Eggs especially good for women/pregnancy with heavy cholene for brain development in the fetus.
Raw eggs are far more easily digestible than cooked
Vince Giranda, bodybuilder, promoted a regime of 36 raw eggs in a day for a limited time to set the body for building muscle
The war on meat is on to weaken our culture, especially the men.
Labels to look for when buying eggs
'Raw Egg Nationalist | The Cholesterol In Raw Eggs Is the Real Gold | December 14, 2022' has no comments
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