Dr. Richard Massey, MD

If Our Subconscious Attaches to a Doctor’s Prognosis, We’re Pretty Much Done

Dr. Richard Massey joins us LIVE once a month to take health questions from our listeners. He is an MD practicing Wholistic and Natural Medicine

[email protected]
Give Dr. Massey a call for a phone consultation


Show highlights:

-It’s MLK day, Patrick and Dr. Massey talk about some good political movies on Netflix including a new documentary from Oliver Stone on the Ukraine

-It’s surprising what people can discover about all the unrest happening when you’re in the womb. How does those feelings and angst affect the unborn baby and how does it express itself through life

-Dr. Massey suggests doing ultraviolet IVs on the air next visit

-Dr. Massey was dumbfounded by a sunset he witnessed saying it was good he hadn’t been drinking, otherwise, he would have thought it was the Apocalypse

-A listener wants to hear what Dr. Massey has to say about alcoholism and anger. Is it passed down through the generations.

Question from a listener: About 30 years ago, I injured my right CMC joint by lifting a heavy object. The injury to the joint and tendon has been an “on/off” problem over the years, however immobilizing the wrist in a brace was the remedy that worked nicely. Fast forward to now, age 63 and the pain has become chronic. A recent X-ray revealed bone on bone. I’m due for a cortisone shot this week for some relief, and I’m not sure there are options in my area such as PRP, stem cells, ozone, etc. Any thoughts. I’m at the end of my rope with this pain.

-Alcoholism is a fear of loving and a fear of being loved

-What exactly is tinnitus and what is the recall healing cause behind it?

-Dr. Massey tells us pain indicates that you are healing

-Dr. Massey talks about what celebration really means and how both good and bad experiences must be honored

-A listener would like to know the recall healing story behind kidney problems

-Dr. Hamer discovered if a person believes a doctors prognosis, it’s now the worst illness they have; if our subconscious attaches to that, we’re done

-Dealing with constipation

and so much more!


Chaga + Reishi 740 X 90 Lake Landscape

One on one with Dr. Richard Massey M.D. and his monthly journey into his specialty Recall healing and much more, January 20, 2019


'Richard Massey, MD – If Our Subconscious Attaches to a Doctor’s Prognosis, We’re Pretty Much Done – January 20, 2020' has 1 comment

  1. January 23, 2020 @ 2:56 am Rex

    I thought a Gas Passer was a Pork n Beans afectionado..God bless doc Massey


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