Richard Maybury 

Founder of The Early Warning Report

Richard Maybury is widely regarded as one of the top free-market writers in America. His articles have appeared in the Wall Street JournalUSA Today and other major publications.

Richard Maybury publishes one of the most well respected newsletters on investing in the World: Early Warning Report. He’s asked us to give you a link, as his gift to the April-May 2020 newsletter. Enjoy

President of Henry Madison Research, Inc., Mr. Maybury is a world-renowned author, lecturer and analyst who consults with business firms and individuals in the U.S. and Europe.

Mr. Maybury is often compared to General Billy Mitchell. You may remember that Mitchell foretold the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor; he was one of those rare individuals with the amazing knack for seeing through the “conventional wisdom” and political smoke screens, to spot crucial new trends – the kind that catch most other experts by surprise.

Throughout the 1990s, Mr. Maybury warned about a coming world war between Washington and Muslims, but few listened, just as few listened to Mitchell.

Ever since 9-11, thousands have been hanging on Mr. Maybury’s every word. Subscribers who have been taking his advice — to invest in things that do well in wartime — have been reaping astounding profits.

Mr. Maybury calls his viewpoint “Juris Naturalism,” which means the belief in a natural law that is higher than any government’s law. This, incidentally, was also the philosophy of Thomas Jefferson, George Washington and the other American founders.

“Let me be very clear about this,” Mr. Maybury states. “I’m proud of my viewpoint and do not try to hide it behind a smokescreen of phony objectivity. I believe political power is the most evil thing humans ever discovered. It corrupts the morals and the judgment.”

Mr. Maybury has written 22 books and monographs, including his Uncle Eric series of books, which focus on economics, law and history. He has been interviewed on more than 250 radio and TV shows across America, on topics ranging from monetary policy, investments and business cycles to the geopolitics of the Mideast oil region and former Soviet Union, as well as U.S. foreign policy.

Do not be left in the dark about changing world events and their impact on you, your money, and your family. Know what others don’t, and subscribe to U.S. & World Early Warning Report today.

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Richard not only shares his opinion but speaks from his experience in a commando squadron in the US Air Force, observing how the federal government behaves in other countries.  They are brutal in other people’s countries.  US residents have no idea.

98% of conventional wisdom and the media is wrong about Russia.

Putin wants to install a friendly government so NATO doesn’t come up on his borders.  Russians have been victims of invasion and obsessively fear it.  In the last 500 years, the Goths, Slavs, Huns, Avars, Kangars, Vikings, Mongols, Teutonic Knights, Lithuanians, Swedes, and Poles have invaded Russia.  The most recent invasion was from the Germans in WWII, and they are now part of NATO.  It was the worst invasion in all of Russian history.  Russia lost 20 million people in WWII.

There was no reason to use atomic bombs on the Japanese in WWII.  They were already defeated.  The real reason the bombs were dropped was to demonstrate what would happen to Russia if they didn’t knuckle under to Washington.  Stop Stalin in his tracks.

NATO was established in 1949 and has been consistently expanded in the direction of Russia.  Now 39 NATO countries lined up against Russia.

After WWII, NATO adopted policy of surrounding Russia with nuclear installations.  Why encroach on Russia now?  Did Biden’s handlers just want a war?

Politicians get power by pretending to protect people.

Long list of dictators throughout the world that the US has historically backed. 

The government is the people’s worst enemy.  They go abroad and do to foreigners what the Constitution forbade them from doing to US citizens.

Monroe Doctrine – a cover for politicians to align with gangsters in South America?

General Smedley Butler was in numerous wars.  Retired in 1930s, and then started researching the American wars he had been involved in.  They had nothing to do with protecting America.

See YouTubes of how Victoria Nuland installed the Nazi government in Ukraine in 2013.

Why would Putin want to destroy Ukraine?

Payment systems to Russia getting cut off.  Russian population has been instantly impoverished.

Will Putin stop?  Once they’re in a war, politicians don’t want to lose power.

Russian receipts dropped 98% in 2 days.

Did Putin’s personality change 2 years ago?  From ruthless to ruthless and crazy?

Could this be the big one?  Russia and China versus the rest of us?  Do they have a secret plan, an agenda for how to divide that part of the world up?

Politicians think they know what’s good for other people.

America isn’t America anymore.  Trump was right about that.

Is America headed for a shooting revolution?  Burden of government has gotten too heavy.

Declines in prior civilizations were preceded by a rapid growth in government.

M1 went straight up due to change in definitions.  Richard likes to follow M2, which is money in your wallet,  bank, checking, and saving accounts.  “Hot money”.

MZM – Report of Money with Zero Maturity – has disappeared.  Anything that reveals the truth will disappear.

Gold, silver, platinum – buy some every month as coins from dealers, the US Mint, and other countries. 

Richard current sends out his Early Warning Report in digital and paper form.

Everyone, even in alternate media, except holdouts like ORN, are in on Putin being a bad guy.

Always try to see everything from the other guy’s point of view.

Ukraine situation was provoked by NATO.

Will Janet Yellin be installed as US President?

Man who have political power have women throwing themselves at them. 

American Marxism – it’s here.  Story in Richard’s current EWR.  US children have been taught to be socialists since the 70s.  History books are censored.

Since COVID, public schools are crumbling.  More charter schools.  Will this stop the brainwashing of children?

In California, a permit to build a house is $50,000.  Central planning thinks they know what is good for you.

California is emptying out and the population is moving to where they think it’s better.

Senator Mark Warner of Virginia asked heads of tech companies to stop the spread of Russian propaganda.

Upswing in stories about how blacks are mistreated.  They want blacks and whites separated.  The need to notice skin color has now become paramount.

Richard presciently talked about the Ukraine issue in his EWR in 2014. 

Stock market – is a moving target.  Varying opinions of ORN guests Tom Luongo, Fred Dashevsky, Charles Nenner.

'Richard Maybury – 98% of Conventional Wisdom and the Media Is Wrong About Russia – March 2, 2022' has 1 comment

  1. March 5, 2022 @ 2:03 pm Hank

    Nothing in politics happens by chance – so said FDR years ago. When you control the “official” narrative, you control the masses. Wars are a battle for not only power and leverage, but for the hearts and minds of people. It should follow suit that the more educated on REAL information people are the least likely they will be coerced/fooled into doing things against their best interests, such as voting in a crook like Biden, or having a knee jerk reaction to ANYTHING that Russia does is “evil”, or “our” government would NEVER steal an election from the people etc etc etc! It’s nice to be informed and aware of the BLATANT propaganda of the mainstream media. Ignorance is the fertilizer for wars.


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