Richard Maybury

Founder of The Early Warning Report

Richard Maybury is widely regarded as one of the top free-market writers in America. His articles have appeared in the Wall Street JournalUSA Today and other major publications.

Richard Maybury publishes one of the most well respected newsletters on investing in the World: Early Warning Report. He’s asked us to give you a link, as his gift to the April-May 2020 newsletter. Enjoy

President of Henry Madison Research, Inc., Mr. Maybury is a world-renowned author, lecturer and analyst who consults with business firms and individuals in the U.S. and Europe.

Mr. Maybury is often compared to General Billy Mitchell. You may remember that Mitchell foretold the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor; he was one of those rare individuals with the amazing knack for seeing through the “conventional wisdom” and political smoke screens, to spot crucial new trends – the kind that catch most other experts by surprise.

Throughout the 1990s, Mr. Maybury warned about a coming world war between Washington and Muslims, but few listened, just as few listened to Mitchell.

Ever since 9-11, thousands have been hanging on Mr. Maybury’s every word. Subscribers who have been taking his advice — to invest in things that do well in wartime — have been reaping astounding profits.

Mr. Maybury calls his viewpoint “Juris Naturalism,” which means the belief in a natural law that is higher than any government’s law. This, incidentally, was also the philosophy of Thomas Jefferson, George Washington and the other American founders.

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Show highlights:

The intellectuals have taken over the world and feel bestowed with more knowledge than us that they have the right to rule the world

Why are we grabbing Socialism with both hands? Isn’t it something we fought for so many years; it never works anyway

The founders of this country knew what they were doing when they set up our Republic

Now, our government that looks like it exists is really paralyzed from too much fighting from within

A revolution should be happening every 20 years to slap down the control

The federal government alone has made up more than 300,000 laws

What our school system was modeled after. Hint: The Soviets

What no parent is ever told about school

What are adhesion contracts?

The difference between homeschooled kids and those who attend school

The future of our money system; are we moving to a digital currency?

Pumping money into the economy and future inflation; will the FED get away with it?

We talk about the presidential election and how it will affect investors

The best case scenario for the American future

and so much more!

Richard Maybury a real lesson in socialism and our its relationship to the current financial situation we are living, November 26, 2020

'Richard Maybury – A Revolution Should Happen Every 20 Years to Slap Down Government Control – November 25, 2020' has 1 comment

  1. December 3, 2020 @ 12:45 pm Patrick

    I’d just like to say that it is clear to me that neither he nor Brandon Smith understand Bitcoin. The Federal Reserve, under no circumstances, will create a public blockchain like Bitcoin. They simply can’t do it. It requires everyone to see everything they do. That is what Bitcoin is. An Open ledger, spread across the planet, that anyone can read and no one entity can control. The FED will make a digital currency, but they will control it completely. The exact opposite of Bitcoin.
    Tom Luongo is your guest that really understands Bitcoin. Currently Venezuela is using Bitcoin to circumvent US sanctions. They can’t stop it.
    Thanks for your shows Mr. Timpone. They are awesome.


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