Richard Maybury

Founder of The Early Warning Report

Richard Maybury is widely regarded as one of the top free-market writers in America. His articles have appeared in the Wall Street JournalUSA Today and other major publications.

Richard Maybury publishes one of the most well respected newsletters on investing in the World: Early Warning Report. He’s asked us to give you a link, as his gift to the April-May 2020 newsletter. Enjoy

President of Henry Madison Research, Inc., Mr. Maybury is a world-renowned author, lecturer and analyst who consults with business firms and individuals in the U.S. and Europe.

Mr. Maybury is often compared to General Billy Mitchell. You may remember that Mitchell foretold the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor; he was one of those rare individuals with the amazing knack for seeing through the “conventional wisdom” and political smoke screens, to spot crucial new trends – the kind that catch most other experts by surprise.

Throughout the 1990s, Mr. Maybury warned about a coming world war between Washington and Muslims, but few listened, just as few listened to Mitchell.

Ever since 9-11, thousands have been hanging on Mr. Maybury’s every word. Subscribers who have been taking his advice — to invest in things that do well in wartime — have been reaping astounding profits.

Mr. Maybury calls his viewpoint “Juris Naturalism,” which means the belief in a natural law that is higher than any government’s law. This, incidentally, was also the philosophy of Thomas Jefferson, George Washington and the other American founders.

“Let me be very clear about this,” Mr. Maybury states. “I’m proud of my viewpoint and do not try to hide it behind a smokescreen of phony objectivity. I believe political power is the most evil thing humans ever discovered. It corrupts the morals and the judgment.”

Mr. Maybury has written 22 books and monographs, including his Uncle Eric series of books, which focus on economics, law and history. He has been interviewed on more than 250 radio and TV shows across America, on topics ranging from monetary policy, investments and business cycles to the geopolitics of the Mideast oil region and former Soviet Union, as well as U.S. foreign policy.

Do not be left in the dark about changing world events and their impact on you, your money, and your family. Know what others don’t, and subscribe to U.S. & World Early Warning Report today.

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Show highlights:

California used to be the land of opportunity and once offered the greatest lifestyle on Earth until Socialism took over the state; he people immigrating to CA are no longer the great visionaries and hard workers, but the people who have failed at life. It’s a hot mess

Why you can’t have a welfare state

When you’re on Social Security, it’s not the government taking care of you, it’s your kids and their peers taking care of you through direct taxation

Who was the first person to get a social security check?

Comparing putting your money into Social Security as opposed to having it in the stock market

The allies of Washington are actually dependents; they can do nothing for us; the European countries don’t have much of a military budget, so that money goes into the social system

The principles upon which the Common Law system was built

Understanding how free trade works

Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations

Socialism has been the downfall of America

The degradation of the public school system; the school system is for the benefit of the government, not the students

Homeschoolers will love Richard’s Uncle Eric books; Sharon, one of our producers on this site and web manager loved these books as she homeschooled her daughter from grades 7-12

The wonders of technology; Mr. Maybury shares several breakthroughs in medicine

Mr. Maybury talks about some different stocks

When and why governments need wars

China has had the bloodiest history; why China would welcome a war right now

Our country has been divided into the socialists and the anti-socialists

Precious metals should be part of you diversified portfolio

Why Mr. Maybury likes defense stocks so much

Richard Maybury, editor of The Early Warning Report with his monthly visit full of insights into our financial and geo political landscape, August 26, 2020

'Richard Maybury – If Socialism Is So Great, Why are People Leaving CA in Droves? – August 26, 2020' has 1 comment

  1. August 27, 2020 @ 10:55 am Carolyn

    If social security was not put in, who would take care of people who could not work please?


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