Patrick Timpone


Rick Simpson

Is Hemp Oil A Cure All?
Rick Simpson does and since 2003, he has treated over 5,000 people suffering from aliments, such as melanoma skin cancer, glaucoma (brain cancer), lung cancer, leukemia, scoliosis, arthritis, diabetes, obesity, anorexia, and herpes, claiming, “Seventy per cent of the patients that follow the protocol become cancer-free after ingesting 60 grams of high-quality oil.” However, this alone does not make Rick extraordinary. What makes Rick so extraordinary is that he provides this service for no personal profit. Yes, he treats people for free.
Rick’s crusade, “Crush Cancer,” has seen him imprisoned and forced him to flee his native country—Canada. Now residing somewhere in Europe in an undisclosed location, he is unstoppable. His drive and personal commitment to take on the big pharmaceutical companies and lawmakers to promote hemp oil as a cure for cancer has gained greater and greater awareness and a ground swell of support in both cancer treatment medical circles and public debate globally—on a daily basis—today.
Rick Simpson doesn’t believe he himself is extraordinary. But he passionately believes that the properties of hemp oil are. Hemp, one of the oldest imperial (plant–based) medicines, has been widely accepted as the cure for civilizations’ individual aliments for thousands of years until its prohibition since the 1920s by lawmakers being influenced by the greed of big pharmaceutical corporations globally.
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Show Highlights:

-Rick argues why CBD oils need more THC to be effective

-The danger of sativa oils

-The con game perpetrated by the government

-Why juicing cannabis makes no sense and poses potential dangers

-The best oil to take is the oil you make yourself using high quality bud

and more!

Rick Simpson

Visit Website


rick simpson and hemp oil, february 12, 2015

'Rick Simpson – The Healing Properties of Hemp Oil and the Con Game Perpetrated By the Government – February 12, 2015' have 2 comments

  1. April 9, 2015 @ 11:43 am ricksimpsoncancercure

    Thank God Almighty that led me to Dr Peter who with his humanitarian heart helped my Daughter that had cancer of the breast with his Hemp Oil. I am so grateful that my 21 years old daughter is back alive and healthy and can do all the things she like without any hindrance in her life. Dr Peter, your medication is the only cure for cancer,tumor and from the bottom of my heart, I sincerely say you are the best and i will always give thanks to God for you to have long life so you can help many more people on earth with your medical service to humanity.with you i now believe that the hemp Oil is real and True,for all those who have problem relating to cancer and other diseases should contact Dr Peter on:[email protected]


  2. April 16, 2015 @ 3:45 am rick

    Thank God Almighty that led me to Dr jovita who with his humanitarian heart helped my Daughter that had cancer of the breast with his Hemp Oil. I am so grateful that my 21 years old daughter is back alive and healthy and can do all the things she like without any hindrance in her life. Dr jovita, your medication is the only cure for cancer,tumor and from the bottom of my heart, I sincerely say you are the best and i will always give thanks to God for you to have long life so you can help many more people on earth with your medical service to humanity.with you i now believe that the hemp Oil is real and True,for all those who have problem relating to cancer and other diseases should contact Dr jovita on:[email protected]


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