Rob Kirby

Kirby Analytics

Precious Metals: If You Can’t Touch It, You Don’t Own It; Money, Finance, & the Economy

Rob Kirby’s unique brand of illuminating and insightful economic reporting prompted, Ted F., one of his readers to write, “You are the Johnny Rotten of Economics. Keep it up. I’m a big fan.”

Rob was born in 1960 in Halifax, Nova Scotia and moved to Toronto, Ontario with his parents when 11. He received his post secondary education at York University [Economics] in Toronto. When he finished his degree, he went to work in the financial district [Bay St.] in Toronto. He worked on an institutional trading desk for most of the 1980s and right up until 1996. He also worked for 11 years at Prebon Yamane, an international inter-dealer broker of foreign exchange and interest rate products. He spent an additional year at another money/bond broker called Freedom Bond Brokers [which has subsequently been bought out by Cantor Fitzgerald], then spent two years at Garban Inc., another inter dealer bond brokerage in Toronto – and left the industry in 1996.

He started writing in 1997, and was involved in a number of entrepreneurial pursuits from marketing Buffalo meat to a part time stint in the giftware business. In 2002, he went to work for Investor’s Group, the largest Mutual Fund Company in Canada. He worked there up until September ’04 when he resigned to write about the markets – and his book – from a “gold bug’s” point of view.

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We spend two hours with financial analyst and gold authority Rob Kirby.  Some of the subjects discussed are:

Who controls and why are interest rates controlled

The Exchange Stabilization Fund began in 1933

The Exchange Stabilization Fund was financed through President Roosevelt calling in the gold

The ESF is also known as the Plunge Protection Team

Banks that own the Federal Reserve Bank control the Exchange Stabilization Fund

The total number of Derivatives is now about 800 Trillion Dollars

Catherine Austin Fitz and Dr. Mark Skidmore prove there’s 21 Trillion Dollars missing between 1998 and 2015

The Monetary Decontrol Act was initiated in 1998 under The Clinton Administration

The Silk Road China is developing throughout Asia

All fiat currencies eventually come to an end, as will the dollar

The elites meticulously hold down the price of gold and silver

The genesis of the war in Syria is the competition between Russia and the U.S. to sell natural gas to Europe

Some of the emails asked and answered:

A friend said that Trump has made a tax that helps rich people and hurts middle income people. He said he has really been hurt by taxes this year. Can you talk about this?

Dear Mr. Kirby, I want to buy gold and silver. Can you advise me?

Can you ask him what companies are out there that can refine silver for me from photographic byproduct? Dad has bags of unrefined powder from the photo chemistry he used in his business, and we need the silver recovered from it and turned into bars…

Is it true that it is believed that the amount of silver on the planet is less than the amount of gold?

Can you ask Rob Kirby if the Canadian Government has any Gold Left??

Just wondering how the carbon credit stuff ties into the world economy?

Could you please explain what the derivatives market is and why it is talked about along with the national debt?

With the dollar system threatened by other countries trading oil for non-dollars, would it make a difference if an alternate, possibly suppressed up to this time, energy technology was released?

Does Mr. Kirby think the CFTC is under investigation by the DOJ since the CFTC found nothing illegal going on in their very own playground surrounding Silver?

Rob Kirby of Kirby Analytics is a gold authority and expert on the World’s financial Markets, November 13, 2019 ONE

Rob Kirby of Kirby Analytics is a gold authority and expert on the World’s financial Markets, November 13, 2019 TWO

'Rob Kirby – Precious Metals: If You Can’t Touch It, You Don’t Own It; Money, Finance, & the Economy – November 13, 2019' has no comments

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