Patrick Timpone
Robert Morningstar
The Authority on the Assassination of JFK
R. D. Morningstar has studied the assassination of John F. Kennedy since the day it occurred. In 1993, at the Third Decade Symposium on the JFK Assassination in Chicago, R. D. Morningstar became the first scientist to expose publicly the use of gestalt psychology in the alteration and doctoring of the Zapruder Film.
Show Highlights:
-Robert Morningstar claims to have found missing evidence of JFK’s assassination
-The Zapruder film is the greatest form of mind control inflicted on the American people claims Mr. Morningstar
-Proof of conspiracy
-The smoking gun of the JFK assassination
-Robert Morningstar tells us that no bullet was ever recovered from his body
-Who was behind JFK’s assassination? Morningstar answers this question
-The 4 great pyramids of American power
-Did JFK steal the election? Morningstar says ‘gladly so’
-Where does Lyndon Johnson figure into the story?
-If Connelly was aware of the assassination ahead of time, why was he riding with the president that day?
-Why it’s so important to see our history with 20/20 vision
-E. Howard Hunt and George W. Bush cannot recollect where they were the day Kennedy was shot. Imagine that!
and more!!
robert morningstar and the execution of JFK, who did it, november 20, 2014
'Robert Morningstar – The Greatest Crime of the 20th Century – November 20. 2014' has 1 comment
November 21, 2014 @ 1:28 pm Olivia
Thank You for having this man on.