Patrick Timpone
Rosalind Peterson
California President and Co-Founder of the Agriculture Defense Coalition (ADC)
Topic: Jet Trails and Weather Modification
The ADC was formed in 2006, to protect agricultural from a wide variety of experimental weather and atmospheric testing programs. Ms. Peterson also founded California Skywatch in 2002, when she began researching atmospheric testing and weather modification programs.
There are many beliefs, theories, and opinions surrounding the persistent jet contrail issue. They all obscure the fact that the jets are real, the man-made clouds and white haze that they produce are real, and that there are serious concerns about the negative human, agriculture, weather, and other environmental impacts that jet fuel emissions and man-made clouds from these jets, produce.
Show Highlights:
-What in the world are those jets doing?
-The background of the term “chemtrail” and why it is associated with conspiracy and hoax
-The contrails from years long ago dissipated quickley. Why are the contrails of today taking so long to dissipate, some taking many hours?
-Long term and short term weather effects
-Are jet trails warming the earth?
-The impact of atmospheric changes on health
-Masking the effects of global warming
-Betting on the weather
-Water vapor as a greenhouse gas
-Weather modification programs
This is an excellent show. Please take a moment to share it with someone. Thank you!
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rosalind peterson, weather modification, climate change, jet trails, march 12, 2013
'Rosalind Peterson – Jet Trails and Weather Modification: What in the World Are Those Jets Doing Up There? – March 12, 2013' has no comments
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