Sandy Rideout

Authority on Gastrointestinal Tract Issues

Sandy Rideout is a Functional Medicine Consultant whose focus and passion is on gastrointestinal tract disease and disorders and how they have a systemic effect on all other systems in the body. Evidence of gastrointestinal dysfunction has been linked to disease including autoimmune, diabetes, osteoporosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and cancer.

Through the lens of functional medicine, Sandy focuses on all systems in the body and how they function together as one whole system which makes us human. He focuses on the patient who has the disease and NOT the disease that the patient has. He investigates the root cause of disease rather than focusing on symptoms.

Sandy works closely with a well-respected Gastroenterologist to assist with diagnosis and treatment of patients with complex gastrointestinal issues. He also teaches the basics of functional medicine to other health professionals. His primary focus is on small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) and has mapped out the pathways of the effects of SIBO on the body. He uses this SIBO map as a teaching tool as well as a guide for health professionals to use in their practice in diagnosing and treating their patients with various diseases.



Wayne Blakely

Founder of Living Streams Mission

Living Streams Mission has developed and manufactures a wide range of specialized liquid probiotic formulas to meet your health and wellness needs.Living Streams Multi-Blend™ (Living Streams Probiotic™) is a natural by-product of friendly bio-organisms (probiotics) that have been specially cultured and developed to produce the natural anti-infective substances the human body was meant to receive from flora in the intestinal track. Living Streams probiotics only contain organic lab certified bacteria species that are naturally found in the human body, and does not contain bacteria obtained from soil microbes.
Processed foods (for both humans and animals), lack enzymes and other nutrients which results in poor quality intestinal flora and other health stresses. Even the normal amounts of these substances that would otherwise be there are missing in most animals and people. On top of that, because the friendly bacteria are missing from the intestinal track growth of “bad” bacteria, fungus, yeast, virus and mold colonies can seriously harm health. Even if you think you are healthy, subclinical infective processes may be at work, slowly damaging your health.

You may want to suggest to your practitioner, who you are working with on your digestive/gut challenges, to look into Sandy’s  MindMapping Program that will guide them in finding the cause.  Sandy’s website is:

You can order a breath test for SIBO on your own, here:

                                   fxconsulting/sibo breath test

Here’s some of the key concepts discussed during this 2.5 hour show:

Autism: Wayne’s twenty year plus journey helping his son’s body to heal from this disorder, researched the causes and cures of Autism for 12 years before creating the Living Streams brand products

Killing bacteria: The importance of not killing friendly bacteria, Colloidal Silver can disrupt the balance of bacteria in the gut  

SIBO: Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth often transferred to the baby in the womb, bacteria given to baby in breast milk not in vaginal canal, balance of bacteria is optimal not killing ‘bad’ actors, breath test available for SIBO diagnosis

Digestive Issues:  Acid Re-flux, GERD, LES damage, Too much acid, Not enough acid, heartburn, HCL supplementation, Heidelberg testing for 

Water: throughout the day and with meals necessary for digestive health, Living Streams Multi Blend with water at meals works great, sufficient sale critical for water absorption

Pineal Gland: Master glad regulating all other glands, Chabide and Bifido Living Streams products for Pineal Gland, Perfect Molecule after dosing with Chabide and Bifido, Bifido II in the ears to bypass stomach acid and survive to small intestine, Fluoride damaging to Pineal Gland, Water filters made of Charcoal Bovine Bone get out fluoride

Stress: Most Souls store reactions to stress in the gut, stress reduces stomach acid

Food sensitivities:  Leaky Gut, gluten intolerance, SIBO, Candida

Biofilms:  Sandy has seen bio bilms broken through and healed with Living Streams Multi Blend

Sulfur: Sufficient Sulfur critical for the bran, Sulfur disrupted by glyphosates

Selenium:  Good source of selenium is Living Streams Moringa, Foods containing inulin such as leeks are pre biotics , Stevia has inulin

Thyroid:  Times when iodine is not called for with thyroid dysfunctions


Sandy Rideout and Wayne Blakely on the The Gut, ( two and a half hour broadcast) December 13, 2018 

'Sandy Rideout and Wayne Blakely – The Gut, the Whole Gut and Nothing But the Gut – December 13, 2018' has 1 comment

  1. December 16, 2018 @ 1:45 pm robert m. cohl, dc ccsp

    Low HCl production is a visceralsomatic reflex, from CN IX to Vagus Nerve CN X is stimulated by your taste buds when you put protein in the mouth. The Parotid gland tags the food in your mouth saliva. Communicates with CN IX. So Occiput C1-C2 (Superior Cervical Ganglion ) informs the stomach to secrete HCl and pepsin to initiate the digestion of proteins. Specific Chiropractic adjustments and Osteopathic manipulation reset the visceral-somatic reflex from the brain to the stomach. Digestion is a parasympathetic stimulus, stress is sympathetic(Fight or flight). There are also specific cranial faults that when corrected, jump starts the HCl production in the stomach.


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