We need to DESCHOOL society, and transmute ALL LIFE into an open-ended educational experience.

It’s time to truly democratize knowledge.

The reason a TV station devoted to people phoning in with possible cures for cancer DOESN’T EXIST is because some 16-year-old kid will inevitably phone in with the cure and steal all the thunder from “the” medical “experts.”

So said Canadian media guru Marshall McLuhan (1911-1980).

Because of school, there is no public cure for cancer.

Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) quit school after a single day of it, telling his father Benjamin, “They can’t teach me what I want to learn.”

Louis L’Amour (1908-1988) dropped out of school because school was interfering with his education.

At 16, L’Amour was already reading over 400 nonfiction books a year, and continued doing so while working at various full-time jobs such as miner, lumberjack, merchant marine, etc.

Attendance is NOT learning, skill, or competence.

Instruction is NOT learning, skill, or competence.

Curriculum is NOT learning, skill, or competence.

Course structure is NOT learning, skill, or competence.

When the doors of Atom’s School of Self-Healing finally open, it will be free of diplomas, certificates, credentials, licenses, and/or pedigrees.

Who ever hung out on a frozen mountaintop with Bababji and requested a diploma to validate the experience?

When Mother Everest – all 29,029 feet of the biggest lady on the planet – deliberately pushed Professor Roger Hart off one of her cliffs to prove to him he was spiritually advanced enough to survive a 150-foot fall by “splitting” himself into two “bodies,” did he ask her for a diploma?

Ivan Illich (Deschooling Society, 1971) wrote …

“Highways result froma perversion of the desire and need for mobility into the demand for a private car. Schools themselves pervert the natural inclination to grow and learn into the demand for instruction. Demand for manufactured maturity is a far greater abnegation of self-initiated activity than the demand for manufactured goods. Schools are not only to the right of highways and cars; they belong near the extreme of the institutional spectrum occupied by total asylums. Even the producers of body counts kill only bodies. By making men abdicate the responsibility for their own growth, school leads many to a kind of spiritual suicide.”

My e-books and e-booklets are available at …



FB: Atom’s School of Self-Healing at Wellness-Wagon.com

Phone consultations are also available.




'School Is Spiritual Suicide' have 6 comments

  1. March 30, 2012 @ 3:08 pm atomb

    Westerners prefer to call Chomolungma – “Holy Mother” – Mount Everest.

    Professor Roger Hart wrote, “…my experience on Mount Everest was the beginning of a series of paranormal events that took place over the course of fifteen years.”

  2. March 30, 2012 @ 4:35 pm atomb

    Ivan Illich (Deschooling Society, 1970) also wrote …

    “Until recently science was the one forum that functioned like an anarchist’s dream. Each man capable of doing research had more or less the same opportunity of access to its tools and to a hearing by the community of peers. Now bureaucratization and organization have placed much of science beyond public reach. Indeed, what used to be an international network of scientific information has been splintered into an arena of competing teams. The members as well as the artifacts of the scientific community have been locked into national and corporate programs oriented toward practical achievement, to the radical impoverishment of the men who support these nations and corporations.”

    Professor Illich wrote this way back in 1970.

    Things are much worse for paraprofessional researchers like myself today in 2012. :(

  3. March 31, 2012 @ 9:40 am martin

    Hey Atom,

    i agree totally with you on school Atom, my best learning was after. but now i realise i have to “unlearn”. i had a lot of bullying and social exclusion growing up because teh system is set up that way for sensitive individuals. so i find now my main concern is getting back to my childlike ways before i entered the dungeons. a lot of research and training and reading your blogs have opened my eyes a bit more each time…

    are you going to share that “vitamin D” making technique:)?

    also i live in Ireland and apart from being in person with you, how much can one achieve through the phone, or what can you percieve through the wires than can help an individual?:)

    lastly, did you ever try sending me an email again on the subject of vitamin D as i never got anything and you had mentioned it never sent from your end??

    Kind Regards….Martin:)

    • April 1, 2012 @ 4:23 pm atomb

      You don’t seem to be getting my e-mails, Martin.

      Maybe I’ve got an incorrect address. :(

  4. April 1, 2012 @ 2:28 pm suz

    Attending school teaches us how to be sheeple, behhhhhh

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