Simon Watkins

The Oil Price War

Simon Watkins is a former senior FX trader and salesman, financial journalist, and best-selling author. He was Head of Forex Institutional Sales and Trading for Credit Lyonnais, and later Director of Forex at Bank of Montreal. He was then Head of Weekly Publications and Chief Writer for Business Monitor International, Head of Fuel Oil Products for Platts, and Global Managing Editor of Research for Renaissance Capital in Moscow. He has written extensively on oil and gas, Forex, equities, bonds, economics and geopolitics for many leading publications, and has worked as a geopolitical risk consultant for a number of major hedge funds in London, Moscow, and Dubai. In addition, he has authored five books on finance, oil, and financial markets trading published by ADVFN and available on Amazon, Apple, and Kobo.

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Show highlights:

The last time oil has been this low was 1946

Why is oil so low right now?

How Trump’s tweets affect oil prices

Why Trump isn’t bothered by $25 oil prices

What impact will the coronavirus stimulous have on oil prices?

and more!

Simon Watkins on the the curious oil wars and geo political moves, March 25, 2020

'Simon Watkins – The Oil Price War – March 25, 2020' has 1 comment

  1. March 26, 2020 @ 12:47 pm jonny

    great guest ….would love him in the Wednesday mix…thanks


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