Show for Tuesday, August 20



Soul-Mind-Body Show

with Patrick Timpone

Patrick will share with you his actual experiences, Looking and Seeing how the Soul, Mind, Body paradigm works.
The insights and information you will hear is not a translation, repeat and analysis of what others have said on
the subject. His experiences offer the promise of being accurate as they are first hand and hearsay.
 The body is a thought form – who forms the thought?
Is it Soul or Spirit that is the power.
 We do, in fact, create “disease” to grow spiritually. It
simply can be any other way when one looks at it
ï‚· There is only now, so then what is in our best interest
to “think about?”
ï‚· The concept of sin is a lie. Sin is a bastardization of
karma used to control Souls.
ï‚· Nothing can hurt us unless we allow it in to our state
of consciousness.

Patrick Timpone and the latest in his series on inner experiences of Soul, Mind Body, August 20, 2019

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