
Patrick Timpone

Tina Erwin

Author of The Lightworkers Guide to Everyday Karma

May 14, 2012

Karma is a spiritual law of physics that states categorically that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Karma is a law of the universe that applies to all living things, to all heavenly bodies, all planets and ultimately, to all beings. Karma is the very nature of God’s consciousness. So how do you wrap your brain around the nature of God’s consciousness and making supper? Have you ever wondered: If karma is really negotiable? About past life karma – why me God? If winning the lottery is karma or dumb luck? If you pick your parents (must rethink choices next life)? If not washing your car has karmic consequences (yes it does!)? If having cancer is related to karma? It is bad karma to question God or is God expecting the question? If the DNA you arrive with is karmic humor? If forgiving someone erases the karma of their actions? About stress and karma – do they always have lunch together? About holidays and karma – is there a gift in this picture? Aren’t these fun questions? Wouldn’t you love to look at karma with a different eye, rather than the painful ‘eye for an eye’ concept?

Tina Erwin, CDR, USN, Ret, has studied the spiritual side of life for many years, gaining insight into the interpersonal relationships at the heart of everyday living. Her writing comes from an intense desire to know and understand the unseen world of action and reaction combined with a sincere desire to share this understanding with other knowledge seekers.

The Lightworker’s Guide to Healing Grief [2009] is a treatise on how to help yourself or someone else to heal grief.

The Lightworker’s Guide to Everyday Karma [2011] is a lighthearted look at applying the principles of karmic law to everyday life.

Her lifelong studies into the esoteric side of life were further enhanced by the experiences of a dynamic 20-year career in the Navy, working for the U.S. Submarine Force, retiring at the commander level. CDR Erwin found the Navy to be a tremendous schoolhouse in which to study all the facets of human/spiritual behavior, from the worst, to the finest levels of humanity. She also noted that Submariners all seemed to have a heightened level of intuition, or gut feeling – truly an essential skill when you deliberately sink your ship!


tina erwin and everyday karma made easy, may 14, 2012

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