Patrick Timpone

Stephen Heuer


Topic:How To Feel 10-20 Years Younger In 20 Days and How to Become Biologically 10 Years Younger In 2 Years.

Stephen Heuer Synergistic Nutrition

Stephen Heuer

Stephen Heuer is the founder of Synergistic Nutrition. In 1990 he earned a Bachelor of Science Degree as a Nutripath, which was a Nutritional Correspondence course, much like the Naturopathic Doctor correspondence courses, just a slightly different name. He has done Live Cell Therapy, Ozone Therapy, Psychic Surgery, Visited John of God In Brazil, and Magnetic Therapy in England and many other therapies. Over these 20 years in practice his clients have improved or recovered from many conditions including; chronic fatigue, cancer, psoriasis, chronic constipation, kidney failure, adrenal fatigue, Liver problems, gallstones, depression, reproductive health, dysbiosis of the intestines, acne, skin conditions, sleeping problems, arthritis, osteoporosis, herniated or thinned discs, reproductive deficiency, menstrual cramps, memory and focus problems, mercury poisoning, autism, hyper and hypo Thyroid, gray hair, vision improvement and much more. Stephen has been in full time private practice for 20 years.

Show Highlights:

-How does the cell age?

-How can we feel 10 years younger in 20 days?

-The long life and peaceful death of Dr. Norman Walker. What was his secret? Check out his book on juicing

-What is the Brix Chart ? Stephen explains how brix numbers can be increased through good farming practices, making food more tasty and nutritious

-Question from a listener:What nutritional remedies are there for a five year old child who has had an enlarged gall bladder removed along with appendix and a non-functioning spleen less than a month after having heart surgery to improve blood circulation to his body?

-Question from a listener:I have a friend with cystic fibrosis. Can you recommend any natural treatments and supplements that will help with her condition and is it curable? She eats healthy, no sugar or grains and is active (exercises: weight training and cardio 3 to 5 times a week).

-Who was the longest-lived health guru to date?

-Can a person combine different types of juices to get a different effect?

-What happens if I juice fast for 7-10 days every 3 to 6 months?

-Question from a listener:In your ad for the seed oils you talked about Dr Budwig’s protocol. I thought it was quite interesting that we could use the whey protein instead of the cottage cheese. I’ve been studying Dr Budwig’s protocol and learned that the flaxseed oil increases cellular voltage, it’s the voltage that controls the amount of oxygen that the cell can hold. Trans fats, and processed oils can’t hold a charge, thus when consumed the cell can’t hold a charge. This is the whole idea of Dr Jerry Tennant’s work that “healing is voltage”. So low voltage, low oxygen, no Kreb cycle, and as Dr Otto Warberg found, the cell will start to ferment sugar then cancer, and many other diseases. Would all of the oils do this? Not just the flaxseed? In the budwig protocol, the flaxseed oil and cottage cheese had to be blended quite thoroughly. Would blending the oils with the whey protein denature the amino acids in the whey?

-Question from a listener:Can you ask Stephen if there are any side effects to the prodovite–detox reactions or to start at small amounts if someone is sensitive to vitamin and mineral formulas? Anything one should take with it to ensure it’s being utilized such as a digestive aid? Prodovite looks promising–but one never knows how they will react to a new supplement–and like most of your listeners–we’ve all tried so many things–been there done that syndrome–less is more for sure. Any other more economical multivitamin and mineral formulas he would suggest for those on a budget?

-The importance of a clean colon and how to achieve it

-What is the difference between basic nutrition and regenerative nutrition?

-Does the IntraCal product that Stephen has mentioned in the past work well for obtaining the needed calcium?

-What are the changes that take place inside the cell when it is being regenerated?

-How do we make old cells into younger cells?

-The best way to re-mineralize the body

-Who discovered how to regenerate the organs and tissues of the body?

and more!!!!!


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stephen heuer, getting younger every day, november 21, 2016, hour one

'Stephen Heuer – How To Feel 10-20 Years Younger In 20 Days and How to Become Biologically 10 Years Younger In 2 Years – November 21, 2016' have 2 comments

  1. November 27, 2016 @ 6:21 pm Donna

    Did anyone get the name of the product that made the gentleman look years younger? I think it begins with an M, but I can’t find it on his site. Thank you!


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