Patrick Timpone

Stephen Heuer

Nutripath and Founder of Synergistic Nutrition

Obtaining Better Health and Graceful Aging with Digestive Enzymes, Probiotics, and Raw, Living Food

Stephen Heuer 2Stephen Heuer is the founder of Synergistic Nutrition. In 1990 he earned a Bachelor of Science Degree as a Nutripath, which was a Nutritional Correspondence course, much like the Naturopathic Doctor correspondence courses, just a slightly different name. He has done Live Cell Therapy, Ozone Therapy, Psychic Surgery, Visited John of God In Brazil, and Magnetic Therapy in England and many other therapies. Over these 20 years in practice his clients have improved or recovered from many conditions including; chronic fatigue, cancer, psoriasis, chronic constipation, kidney failure, adrenal fatigue, Liver problems, gallstones, depression, reproductive health, dysbiosis of the intestines, acne, skin conditions, sleeping problems, arthritis, osteoporosis, herniated or thinned discs, reproductive deficiency, menstrual cramps, memory and focus problems, mercury poisoning, autism, hyper and hypo Thyroid, gray hair, vision improvement and much more. Stephen has been in full time private practice for 20 years.

Show Highlights:

-Stephen discusses why he opts for colon cleanses over castor oil packs

-Is fiber essential for a healthy colon? Stephen tells us how he does a 10 day colon cleanse which include fresh juices

-What’s the difference between doing a classic enema and a colema board

-Stephen talks about Bravo probiotic that is added to yoghurt; it creates GcMAF that can go after any virus

-Stephen talks about the Epstein Barre virus which is behind many auto immune issues

-What’s going on on the physical level with alcoholism? Is the body actually deficient in something? Stephen talks about dopamine deficiency

-Stephen talks about the benefits of nut cultures

-Graceful aging by taking digestive enzymes and beefing up the diet with raw, living foods

-Restoring proper body pH

-Ideas for dealing with gallstones

-Thought on how to deal with microscopic colitis

-We know the proteins are preserved in the processing of One World Whey; what happens to the oils, and what oils are in whey?

-How to use One World Whey to lose weight

and so much more!

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stephen heuer on your health and healing, april 18, 2016, hour one

'Stephen Heuer – Obtaining Better Health and Graceful Aging with Digestive Enzymes, Probiotics, and Raw, Living Food – April 18, 2016' has 1 comment

  1. April 24, 2016 @ 7:48 am Diane

    Patrick… I told you about this book ( Medical Medium ) and information…back 2 months ago.. Thankful Steven finally brought this to your attention again..praise be…!!! Hope you have him on your show…!!!


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