Patrick Timpone
Stephen Heuer
Nutripath and Founder of Synergistic Nutrition
What’s wrong with the current model of nutrition as applied today?
Stephen Heuer is the founder of Synergistic Nutrition. In 1990 he earned a Bachelor of Science Degree as a Nutripath, which was a Nutritional Correspondence course, much like the Naturopathic Doctor correspondence courses, just a slightly different name. He has done Live Cell Therapy, Ozone Therapy, Psychic Surgery, Visited John of God In Brazil, and Magnetic Therapy in England and many other therapies. Over these 20 years in practice his clients have improved or recovered from many conditions including; chronic fatigue, cancer, psoriasis, chronic constipation, kidney failure, adrenal fatigue, Liver problems, gallstones, depression, reproductive health, dysbiosis of the intestines, acne, skin conditions, sleeping problems, arthritis, osteoporosis, herniated or thinned discs, reproductive deficiency, menstrual cramps, memory and focus problems, mercury poisoning, autism, hyper and hypo Thyroid, gray hair, vision improvement and much more. Stephen has been in full time private practice for 20 years.
Show Highlights:
-The devastating effects of mercury fillings
-The #1 complaint people have is lack of energy; Stephen digs into mineral depletion of the soil
-Why taking a calcium supplement does not correct our need for calcium
-Can one take too many trace minerals?
-The problem with eating too much protein
-Understanding your body’s pH; getting the complete picture
-Messing with the electron spin of food when heating in a microwave oven
-Producing glutathione naturally with One World Whey
-What foods does the liver like and dislike?
-The optimal water to consume is distilled water; Stephen explains why
-A listener asks:I often mix One World Whey with Colostrum, Coconut water and grass fed cream…please let me know if that combination is helpful or hurtful to the effect of the whey.
-A listener asks: Please describe why nutrition from One World Whey is superior to organic microwave scrambled tofu . My friend believes the 19grams of protein in the product (which comes frozen) is a healthy breakfast. I will share with her what I learn from you.
-Stephen explains the differencebetween the Liqui-Min (colloidal minerals) and Mineral Magic
-Is there a way to make minerals in Mineral Magic more absorbable?
-How does one learn about his/her own optimal body chemistry?
-A listener asks:Does Stephen have a protocol for a weight loss and building muscle with the One World Whey?What would that be if he does?
and so much more!!!
stephen heuer, body chemistry and nutrition and more, september 21,2015, hour one
'Stephen Heuer – What’s Wrong with the Current Model of Nutrition As Applied Today?; Remodeling Cells with a Strong Immune System – September 21, 2015' has no comments
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