
Patrick Timpone


Stephen Jenkinson

No One Gets Out of Here Alive



You may recall Dr. Massey talking about the work of Stephen Jenkinson in many of our visits with him as he refers to his work often. We were blessed to to have this very wise man visit Patrick in the studio far from his home in Canada for an absolutely mind twisting and inspirational interview.

How we care for the dying people in our midst, and how we die when it is our turn: these together are the proving ground, the cradle and the grave both, for every conviction we have about justice and mercy, about the meaning of life, about what love should look like and what it should do. They are the sum of every political instinct we have, every dream of community we’ve nursed along and every faith we’ve been willing to have in a better day. They are where every fascination about the Other World and the Big Story live, and they are where the midnight fear of Nothing comes to call. They are where our immense technical medical wizardry and mastery is visited upon you and those you love, and where the mythic poverty of our time comes to show itself. They are surely where our love of life earns its keep, or shatters. Mostly, though, they are the place where our ability to be a people is forged, or fails. They are where our village is made or broken. They are where we are most ourselves, and most alone. Together they are The Big Tent of our time.

Wherever there is that much at stake there is at least that much to learn. So it is a necessary and proper thing that all of us learn about dying and about death, about all of the before and the after, well before the time of being tested and told comes. We can learn before our gamble for more time is foreclosed upon by the passing of time.

Stephen is a teacher, author, storyteller, spiritual activist, ceremonialist and founder of the Orphan Wisdom School, a teaching house and learning house for the skills of deep living and making human culture. It is a redemptive project that comes from where we come from. It is rooted in knowing history, being claimed by ancestry, working for a time we may not see.


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stephen jenkinson, on living and dying, february 20, 2014, part one

'Stephen Jenkinson – No One Gets Out of Here Alive; When the Time Comes, Will You See Death As An Angel or the Grim Reaper? – February 20, 2014' have 6 comments

  1. February 20, 2014 @ 7:36 pm LeAnn Harling

    Awesome interview Patrick ~ your studio was on fire ~ it wast my distinct pleasure to bear witness & be there with the both of you ~ we stepped deeply into living and something unfolded beyond any one of us ~ do it again!


  2. February 20, 2014 @ 10:25 pm Bert

    Both of you were just beautiful. Men are becoming men again. It’s so wonderful to witness, and be a part of, this change that’s happening in the density of time. Your guest has wrestled with the core points of evolution, in all of its dimensions and more. All of our births were messy, so why shouldn’t our deaths be as well. Even in its boundedness, evolution is beautiful, possibly because it’s a pleomorphic terrain. Somewhere within that pleomorphic terrain we find our home. I believe that’s where the “village” to which Stephen referred can be found. LeAnn also says it wonderfully.


  3. February 23, 2014 @ 1:24 am Monica

    I have listened to this interview three times in a row, and still can’t get enough. Please do invite him back soon. Death really should be treated and viewed no different than birth. Thank you very much for this amazing interview!!!!

    Monica from Taiwan


  4. February 24, 2014 @ 3:47 pm Manny Fragoza

    I felt kind of bad for Patrick in this interview;this man is so complex its better just to let him ramble than try to interject a point.God Bless you Patrick


  5. February 26, 2014 @ 1:27 am JR

    Patrick didn’t have a clue what this guy was talking about, and his usual stick ” know what I mean garbanzo bean” was not working with this guy. He shot down everything Patrick would say. Patrick needs to research more about his guests and quit playing around. He’s losing it.



  6. March 1, 2014 @ 12:58 pm Mark from London

    I actually disagree with JR. Stephen is indeed a deep thinker, and I appreciate his mission to put death alongside life as an equal child to be loved and nurtured. When Patrick said he accepts death, Stephen should not have knocked him down, saying Patrick is contributing to our “cultural poverty.” In fact, Stephen had a tendency of knocking everything Patrick said. Acceptance of death is NOT the same as resignation, in the sense Patrick was referring to. Instead, it is an act of welcoming, even embracing, especially for someone who has experienced an NDE first hand. Oh, and we should also consider LIVE as a word also has no passive form. What does THAT say of our culture!? Something to ponder…


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