Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) also said …

Nirvana is mindfulness – not an experience of nothingness – which produces biological memory forgetfulness.”

“The anterior pituitary works by compression – glandular secretion. The posterior pituitary works by suction – nerve inhibition.”

“Express 35 is the journey from tailbone to headbone. The spine is the altar of God and the endocrine glands are the altar candles.”

“The glandular center are transformers. Avoid using extraphysical powers.”

“Directing breathing into the spine creates a thermocouple reaction in body air conditioning.”

“Carbon dioxide precipitates in plant roots and in the human head.”

“The inhalation-contraction breath works at the atomic level, breaking an atom of oxygen in your spine.”

“Brain sand is distilled from cerebrospinal fluid in the third ventricle.”

“Cells release their atomic images when the brain decelerates.”

“The spine is a mirror for life processes. An optic fiber lamp is an exact replica of a spinal cord.”

“The pituitary regulates resonance between the two sides of the brain. So meditation is mediation, bio-optic-sonic focusing.”

“The real temple is the body, and the real worship is internal silence. Be like a needle pointing north all the time. Let the identity of yourself stay in the center of your forehead.”

“When you look inside, you can travel at the speed of light squared. Outside, the fastest you can travel is the speed of light. Delta level is the speed of light.”

“The pineal gland creates synchronous vision – cosmic consciousness – with a piezoelectrical effect on crystal-forming brain sand.”

“The human brain is solid-state circuitry. The pineal gland is a resonator. The ‘land of milk and honey’ is in the brain.”

“Physio-man is evolving into helio-man. This is a biological transmutation through conscious effort and ethical living.”

“Our earthly crystalline body, composed of carbon and silicon, absorbs light, but light will pass through diamond and glass. The Diamond Body leaves no shadow. The Diamond Man is the resurrected man, just as Christ was resurrected. Christ knew how to turn energy back into matter. We can turn matter into energy simply by digestion of food, and science can duplicate this by releasing atomic energy from physical matter. However, we cannot, as yet, turn energy back into matter – akin to putting the atomic explosion back in the bomb, or vomiting a sandwich up whole. But resurrection – turning energy back into matter – means just that!”

“Zen means zenith. Zen is where thinking stops. Instead of the arrow hitting the target, the target swallows the arrow.”

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'Still More Adano Ley & Applied Atomics' have 4 comments

  1. May 10, 2012 @ 3:31 pm atomb

    Re: What do you think about the alkaline diet?

    The LIFE of food is in the acid fraction, not in the base.

    A chef puts the lid on a pot to keep the acids from escaping, while the heavier alkaline fraction sinks to the bottom.

    Raw vegetables retain their acids.

    There’s an alkaline reserve in the body, but NO acid reserve, because LIFE can’t be stored or compartmentalized.

    Too much acid in the wrong hierarchy grows cancer, yet too much base in the wrong hierarchy spreads (metastasizes) it.

    Cancer is an endocrine gland in training (William B. Coley, M.D.) and a cluster of chaotic trophoblast cells (John Beard, M.D.) inappropriately becoming an isoparasite (Emanuel Revici, M.D.).

    Incidentally, there’s no such thing as an antioxidant.

    All chemicals have antioxidant (acidic, anaerobic, anabolic) functions and oxidant (alkaline, aerobic, catabolic) qualities.

    But marketers rule, and this fiction is not likely to be redressed for a long time.

  2. May 10, 2012 @ 10:21 pm Ryan


  3. May 10, 2012 @ 10:39 pm atomb

    Re: Do you know anything about sepsis and why people would get it at a hospital?

    They get it from hospital-acquired infections.

    18,000,000 cases of severe sepsis occur worldwide every year, and it’s on the increase thanks to hospitals and antibiotic abuse.

    The outlook for sepsis is bleak unless a hospital owns a hyperbaric oxygen chamber, and its staff know how to use it in conjunction with antibiotics.

    Severe sepsis was routinely and successfully treated by SUPERHEATING a century or so ago, but the technical knowledge of exposing a patient to as much as 300 degrees Fahrenheit without scalding them to death in seconds has been conveniently forgotten by modern medicine.

    Is this yet another case of Medical Amnesia or are professional “healers” just stupider today than they used to be?

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