Susan Luschas

De-Bug Your Health

Fascinating tale of her three year old some years ago, taking her from doctor to doctor with out getting some help, so she and her husband dug into the research and with trial and success dealt with infections and parasites pulling daughter out of ill health.


Susan Luschas, PhD, is an MIT-trained scientist and engineer. She was forced to apply her critical thinking skills to debug her own family’s health problems. She has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars and years of her life on doctors, experiments, and research. She didn’t stop until her family achieved radiant health. Doctors started sending their un-healable patients to her. In January 2016 she published everything she knows for free on the website Debug Your Health.
Susan’s website is a unique model working on donations only and using funds to educate and not for her profit.  Lots of free, (donations only if you want), information on her website below

Visit Website


Ms. Luschas has looked carefully into the issue with Lyme infections

Going after and helping her and family ridding the body of live flukes made a huge difference in everyone’s energy levels

She talks about Dr. Simon Yu in St. Louis a few times during the show as potential source for you mid westerner’s 

Susan talks about the benefits of using these herbal concoctions for parasites at certain moon phases as the bugs go with the lunar flow

She has a whole section on parasite clearing for you doggies as well with some safer options than what the vet offers

A few emails:  would you please as her if she has any opinion about using Oregano Oil for Lyme?

Seizures are at the top of the list on the “Parasite Symptoms.” How are parasites related to seizures? Can parasites get into the brain?

Are there any concerns about taking the formulas if one no longer has a gallbladder?

Most parents probably don’t take the time to look at the label to see what’s in their children’s box of cereal, much less take the time to read the label to see what’s in the vaccines they are allowing to be injected into their kids.

I’ve been diagnosed in a blood test for H Pylori and Chlamydia, what does your guest recommend?

Recently diagnosed with Stage Three Breast Cancer in the lymph Nodes.  I appreciate Susan’s knowledge of parasite and cancer connection


Susan Luschas, PhD on parasites and hidden infections. Great information and insights from a a lady in the trenches doing good work, June 10, 2019 ONE

Susan Luschas, PhD on parasites and hidden infections. Great information and insights from a a lady in the trenches doing good work, June 10, 2019 TWO

'Susan Luschas – De-Bug Your Health – Fascinating Talk on Parasites and Hidden Infections June 10, 2019' have 3 comments

  1. June 11, 2019 @ 6:36 pm frank lutch

    how can i know more about your web site to know where to buy bug juice ? thanks frank .


    • June 11, 2019 @ 7:09 pm patrick

      We don’t sell most of the items Susan talked about Frank…a few in our store.
      I think explore her excellent website and she give exact recipes to have a go at the
      crepy crawlies …she mentions brand names too in this show and on her site..
      found most anywhere….


  2. June 18, 2019 @ 10:42 pm JAS



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