Patrick Timpone


T.S. Wiley

The Wiley Protocol

T.S. Wiley is the author of “Sex, Lies & Menopause,” Harper Collins, 2003, the hypothesis of which explains why postponing marriage and motherhood, women have accelerated the aging process and put themselves in the bull’s eye for breast cancer. The book also examines the introduction of the birth control pill in the early 1960’s and the impact of not breast-feeding our young. In her previous book, “Lights Out: Sleep, Sugar and Survival, ” Pocket Books, Simon and Schuster, 2000, Wiley succinctly and logically argues that electricity and the light bulb put us out of sync with nature as the ultimate “endocrine disruptors”.

People spent summers, before electric lights, sleeping less and eating heavily in preparation for winter because the light triggered the hunger for carbohydrates. Now, light is available 24 hours a day. Heating and air-conditioning climate control our hormonal responses to consume carbohydrates now available year round. This is the scenario for obesity, Type II diabetes, and depression.

In Wiley’s opinion, sleep is the best medicine. T.S. Wiley has also published peer-reviewed scientific papers in molecular oncology and endocrinology, as well as lecturing globally and teaching physicians Environmental Endocrinology in Planetarium settings around the world. Her newest work in process is “Manthropology”, exploring how medicine and modern life are killing men. Find out more about the study of bio-identical, bio-mimetic HRT on her website,

Show Highlights:

-Leaving the lights on at night are making us older by using up our hormones

-How time perception changes when you’re rested

-Is HGH safe?

-The key to hormone replacement

-In order to stay alive we have to die; what does it mean?

-Approaches to Hormone Replacement Therapy

and so much more. This is a fascinating show!


ts wiley on hormones and sleep. january 7, 2014

'T.S. Wiley – Endocrine Disruptors, Sleep Deprivation and Natural Hormones – January 7, 2014' have 5 comments

  1. January 8, 2014 @ 4:22 pm Karen

    Excellent interview with T.S. today.


  2. January 8, 2014 @ 10:39 pm Cynthia

    Good interview. I really do believe that lights out early etc and hormone function plays a role in our health but she came across as negative and always trying to find a problem which would cause me a lot of OCD and anxiety if i were to latch on to all her words. I want to say THANKS Patrick for telling her she was wrong about something purporting about something on your health which you disagreed with. I think a healthy discourse is good and disagreement is actually good and that we shouldnt believe everything we hear. the key is finding balance.

    It brought to mind that what we eat is what we become and that our lifestyles at the end of the day really make our health overall despite how we may keep lights on a little longer. I take it all with a grain of salt.
    A big fan of your show.
    Thanks for all you do!

    now on to rebounding as i listen to your next show!


  3. January 20, 2014 @ 1:52 pm Chris

    Hi Patrick,

    You mentioned in this interview that you’d had a person on the day before who discussed the negative effects of LED lighting due to the amount of blue light.

    What podcast was that? This appears to be the first of the new year.

    Thank you,



    • January 20, 2014 @ 3:19 pm skg

      Atom Bergstrom talked about it, but I forget which podcast it was. Cheers, Sharon


  4. March 29, 2014 @ 7:08 am For The Men: Got Testosterone? Moms, this applies to your little boys too. Plus Party Trivia! | Rock Solid Nutrition & Wellness

    […] other words, Men are Designed to be Testosterone driven.  T.S. Wiley ( hormone and sleep researcher) said that studies show men’s levels rise in response to […]


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