
Patrick Timpone

Terry Wright

Thyroid Nutrition Specialist

The Thyroid: Master of Metabolism, Often Misunderstood and Abused

The thyroid gland is a powerhouse for your body that helps you have healthy weight, good energy, healthy hormones, a strong heart, and much more. The thyroid is a small butterfly shaped gland that only weighs a ounce. It sits in the lower neck and wraps around the trachea. It has two lobes connected by an isthmus. If you put your finger on your Adam’s apple (thyroid cartilage), the thyroid is right below that.

Now the throid secretes its’ hormones directly into the bloodstream where they are transported to every tissue in the body. These hormones control how fast the cells in your body synthesize proteins and consume oxygen. This is what drives your metabolism and this process directly effects the growth and repair of every cell in your body. The two primary hormones the thyroid secretes are called T3 and T4. About 80% of the hormones are T4 and 20% T3. T3 is far more potent of the two and has 5-10X the strength of T4. A healthy thyroid only produces a teaspoon of these hormones in a year. A little goes a long way.

Experts say that 59 million people in America suffer from thyroid disease and about half of these are undiagnosed. Why such a large number and why are so many undiagnosed? I will go into more details in the disease specific sections to help answer that question. However, it is important to note the conventional thyroid testing is very inadequate and does not reveal the underlying causes that lead to thyroid disease. Many times a person is told that there is nothing wrong with her/his thyroid when they are experiencing classic Hypothyroid (low thyroid) symptoms like fatigue, easy weight gain, depression, thinning hair or dry skin. Conventional testing is not sensitive enough to detect changes in thyroid function that can produce some very uncomfortable symptoms. (READ MORE)

Terry Wright

Show Highlights:

-Low thyroid symptoms: Anemia, hair loss, cold, easy weight gain

-Why are thyroid lab tests misleading? Blood levels vs. cell levels of hormone.

-Natural variance in thyroid levels.

-Factors affecting cellular thyroid levels: food allergies, autoimmune issues, environmental pollutants, hypothalamus/pituitary regulation of thyroid, genetic weaknesses, stress, lifestyle.

-Improving thyroid function with homeopathic remedies, herbals, supplements, yoga.

-Downsides of synthetic and natural thyroid hormone replacement.

-Adrenal interaction with the thyroid.

-Multitude of undiagnosed thyroid problems, mostly in women.

-Good and bad foods for the thyroid.

-Hair loss when thyroid lab tests are in range.

-What blocks iodine from reaching the thyroid?

-Hyperthyroid autoimmune issues – radiation vs. finding root causes.

-Advisability of putting detoxified iodine on the thyroid?

-Need healthy thyroid function in pregnancy. Postpartum depression can be low thyroid.

-Can mold affect the thyroid?

-What are thyroid nodules and how to shrink them?

-Thyroid chakra as the center of expression. Meditating on a blue throat.

and more!

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terry wright and a totally natural approach to regaining full thyroid function, july 14, 2016

'Terry Wright – The Thyroid: Master of Metabolism, Often Misunderstood and Abused – July 14, 2016' has 1 comment

  1. September 14, 2016 @ 8:56 am Molly Bechler

    I got on Terry Wright’s program to try to get help with my hypothyroid condition. My symptoms were fatigue, nausea and upper back ache. After only 2 weeks on his program, I had more energy and my other hypothyroid symptoms were mostly gone. I’m continuing to improve and sleeping better than I have in a while. I had never used homeopathics before so I didn’t know how it would go. Through diet, supplements, homeopathics and exercise, I’m feeling better than I’ve felt in about 1 1/2 years.


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